Ashlynn Luna-Orton, better known as Ashley Orton, the adopted daughter of Randal Keith Orton, better known as Randy Orton, has been out of action for almost a entire year due to a torn ACL in her left knee. As for her father, who has been out for a...
*You and Demi arrived at the P.C., both ready to tackle their workout routine and a bit of in-ring training. The Performance Center was bustling with energy of all sorts of superstars, new and current, with the sounds of weights clanging and people chattering filling the air. You were wearing a bright blue tank top and black leggings and Demi was dressed in a black sports bra and gray shorts. After warming-up, you and Demi moved onto the weights. You grabbed a pair of dumbbells and started with some bicep curls while Demi set up for tricep extensions. Halfway through your set, one of NXT's new recruits from last years tryout, Brayden Jesse Ray, or as he likes to be called, 'Sexy' BJ Ray, walks on over, checking you and Demi. At first, neither of you noticed until you heard Brayden say something about you, making you stop your workout*
You: What'd you say?
Brayden: I said, I bet your girl here could do way better with me than she can with you
*Demi stopped her workout, about to defend you, but you stop her*
You: You're Brayden, right?
Brayden: That's me, sweetheart
You: Well, listen here dickhead. It's not your opinion about wether I could do better than Demi or she could do better than me, we've been best friends for years, and we love each other, which clearly you don't seem to understand
Brayden: That's a bit hush words there, Lynn
Demi: Why you-
You: Demi, relax..Brayden, or whatever you're name is, I don't know, but you have 5 seconds to turn around and walk your ass away or else things are gonna get nasty
Brayden: I like nasty-
*Brayden gets cut off as you move out of the way and Demi punches him. Everyone, who was watching either gasped or held back their laughs*
Demi: You were warned, dipshit
You: Just be lucky that me or that my father or any of my uncles weren't here, cause you would have got fucked up
*Demi smirks as she wraps her arm around your shoulder, the two of you walking off to a different part of the P.C. and continue to work out*
After working out
*Walking out of the P.C. you and Demi got in her car, after putting your bags in the trunk. Demi getting in the driver seat as you got in the passenger seat*
You: That was hot what you did earlier
Demi: What? Showing off my back muscles?
You: No..all through that is really hot. But, I was talking about punching that asshole, Brayden
Demi: If he really thought that he could just talked about us like that, he had another thing coming. Like, who the hell does he think he is, talking to us like that and about our relationship
You: I still don't see why Shawn hired him, I'm honestly glad he hasn't shown up on NXT yet, because he would make me stop watching
Demi: Same. Such an dipshit he is
You: Let's stop talking about him, before I throw up..but let's talk about yesterday
Demi: You weren't wrong about what you whisper. I'll always be screaming your name even if I'm on top
You: I know you would
*You lean, placing you hand on Demi's neck, slowly, tenderly, your lips met in a kiss. It was soft and sweet at first, a gentle exploration of familiar territory. Demi's hand found its way to Ashlynn's cheek, her thumb caressing the smooth skin. The kiss deepened, becoming more urgent, more passionate, as if trying to convey all the emotions words couldn't capture. After a minute or so, you both pull away, soft smile*
You: I love you
Demi: I love you, too
~Instagram Posts~
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@AshLuna_wwe Caption- Post workout pic
(You are Victoria)
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@rhearipley_wwe Caption- My favorite workout buddy @AshLuna_wwe
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@AshLuna_wwe Caption- Love to prove to assholes that I'm better than them
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@rhearipley_wwe (reposted by @AshLuna_wwe) Caption- New wrestlers love to pretend like they own the place, they don't. They don't know what its like to be a wrestler, but until they do, all of the superstars that have been here for YEARS run this shit