Ashley.O vs Maxxine.D

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*Your theme hit and the crowd cheers as they stand up. You walk out, gripping your jacket before reaching up and lower your glasses a bit as you look around at the crowd with a smirk on your face before putting them back on and start walking to the ring while high-fiving fans*

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Croydon, England, she is the 2024 Women's Royal Rumble winner, Ashley Orton!"

*You slide onto the apron and raise your hand to head as you have your hand raised with your index finger and pinky finger and an extended thumb up before getting in the ring. You walk around the ring before standing in middle of the ring and you raise your hand to head as you have your hand raised with your index finger and pinky finger and an extended thumb up. As you take of your glasses and jacket, Maxxine's theme hits and she walks out*

"And her opponent. Representing Alpha Academy, From Phoenix Arizona, Maxxine Dupri!"

*You watched as Maxxine did her entrance, getting in the ring. You and Maxxine faced each other, shaking hands*

Ring the bell!

Crowd chant: Let's go Ashley! Let's go Ashley! Let's go Ashley! Let's go Ashley! Let's go Ashley! Let's go Ashley! Let's go Ashley! Let's go Ashley!

*You and Maxxine circled around the ring before locking up, you overpowering Maxxine and take her down to the mat with a 'Waistlock Takedown' tighting your grip around her waist just a bit. You flip Maxxine onto her back, locking your legs around her head, but Maxxine does a kip-up, escaping your grasp. You stand up, only to have Maxxine sweep you down from under your feet, you landing on your back, Maxxine going for the pin*


*You slip out from under Maxxine, grabbing her doing a 'School Boy' pin on Maxxine*


*Maxxine kicks out, you stand up, you and Maxxine locking up in the middle of the ring again, this you get Maxxine in the corner, you ram your shoulder into her stomach, hearing Maxxine yell out. You pull away at the ref's count of 4, backing away before hitting Maxxine with a 'Forearm Sledge' watching as she fell to the floor. You run to the corner, pointing at Maxxine, running and hit her with a 'Hip Attack'. Dragging Maxxine out of the corner, you pin her*


*Maxxine kicks out, you look at the ref as you stand up, grabbing the rope before getting on the middle turnbuckle. Coming down with a 'Leg Drop' Maxxine moves out of the way, causing you to land on your ass hard. You groan as you move onto one knee, feeling Maxxine grab you and pull you up to your feet, hooking your arm over her neck, grabbing the waistband of your pants and hits you with a 'Suplex'. Maxxine kips up to her feet, the crowd cheering her on as Maxxine starts to rotate her hips in a circle, the crowd hyping Maxxine up as she gets into the corner. Going for her version of Otis's 'Caterpillar', Maxxine was successfully able to hit you with the move then pins*


*You kick out, pushing Maxxine off of you, rolling onto the apron, catching your breath. The crowd cheering for both you and Maxxine, you stand on the apron, watching Maxxine come over to you, you ram your shoulder into her stomach, then hit with your knee. You grip the rope tightly before doing a 'SpringBoard Crossbody' Maxxine able to roll through the move, holding you as she stands up. Maxxine tries to go for a move, almost about to botch it, but you pull through with a 'RKO'. You stand up, hearing the crowd cheer as you let out a yell*

You: Come on!

*You turn around, dropping to the mat as you hit your fists against the canvas, staring at Maxxine as she stumbles up to her feet. You stand up, grabbing Maxxine and hit her with 'Lunar Buster' getting on top of her for the pin, hooking her legs*


Ring the bell!

*You let go of Maxine's legs, smiling as you stand up and hear the crowd cheering as the ref raises your arm, pointing at you*

"Here is your winner! Ashley Orton!"

*The ref let's go of your arm and goes over to check on Maxxine, helping her up. You look at Maxxine, nodding your head at her, showing respect as Maxxine does the same before leaving the head and heads backstage. You get out of the ring, signing a few signs, took some pictures before you started making your way to the back*

'This is my brutality!'

*The crowd screamed as you stopped walking, putting your hands on your hips as you watched Rhea walked out, doing her stomp before staring at you, neither of you saying a word. You look at the Women's World Championship before smirking at Rhea and headed backstage as Rhea continued making her way to the ring*

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