Ashley&Punk vs Rhea&Dom

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*Ever since you started wrestling, you never thought that you be main eventing a Holiday Tour show by tag team with The Best In The World, The Voice of the Voiceless, CM Punk, but here you are. Rhea and Dominik walked out as 'Demon in your Dreams' played and the crowd cheered for Rhea and Booed for Dominik*

"The following contest is a mixed tag team match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, representing The Judgment Day, 'Dirty' Dominik Mysterio and the Women's World Champion, Rhea Ripley!"

*Rhea and Dominik walk down to the ring, Rhea stopes Dom and whispers in his ear, making him laugh. a bit. before Rhea gets on the apron and Dominik stands in front of her. Dominik then gets on the apron and sits on the middle rope for Rhea, watching as she gets in. As the two finish up their entrance Rhea's music fades out and your theme hits and the fans cheer loudly. You walk out, gripping your jacket before reaching up and lower your glasses a bit as you look around at the crowd with a smirk on your face before putting them back on*

"And their opponents. First, from Croydon, England, Ashley Orton!"

Crowd chant: CM Punk! CM Punk! CM Punk! CM Punk! CM Punk! CM Punk! CM Punk! CM Punk! CM Punk! CM Punk! CM Punk! CM Punk!

*You smile as 'Cult of Personalty' starts playing and all of Kia Forum goes insane, filling the arena with cheers. After a few seconds, Punk walks out and the crowd gets louder. Punk stands next to you, and you both get down on one knee, looking at your wrists before standing up and yelling 'its'*

Crowd: Clobbering Time!

"And her tag team partner. From Chicago, Illinois, CM Punk!"

*You and Punk fist-bump before walking down to the ring, you and Rhea look at each other as you get on the apron, taking off your glasses and throw them into the crowd before stepping in the ring. You and Punk get in your corner as Rhea and Dominik get in theirs. You take off your jacket and Rhea does the same. Punk and Dominik get on the apron as you and Rhea stare at each other*

Ring the bell!

Crowd chant: Let's go Rhea! Let's go Ashley! Let's go Rhea! Let's go Ashley! Let's go Rhea! Let's go Ashley! Let's go Rhea! Let's go Ashley!

*You and Rhea lock up and you slip under her and get her in a 'Waistlock' Rhea grabs you hands, trying to break free, Rhea slips free and gets behind you, putting you in a 'Waistlock' You try to get out of Rhea's grip, but fail. You hit Rhea with 'Forearm' and she lets you go. You run to the ropes, coming back and knock Rhea down with a 'Shoulder Block' You look down at Rhea before running to the ropes, Rhea follows behind laying down as you jump over her and run to the other ropes, bouncing off the ropes, Rhea was back up to her. Rhea grabs you and hit a 'Backbreaker' after you tried to go for a 'Hurricanrana' You roll off of Rhea and she covers you*


*You get your shoulder up and reach out towards Punk, but Rhea kicks you in the back then pulls you up to your feet and throws you into the corner. Rhea rams her shoulder into you multiple times before you fall down. Rhea drags you to the middle and picks you up, looking for 'Riptide' but you reverse into a 'DDT' You quickly pin Rhea*


*Rhea kicks out, you try to get to your corner, but Rhea grabs your leg, you try to kick her away. You grab Rhea's arm, twisting it as you roll her up. Rhea quickly kick outs, you both get up, starring at each other*

Crowd chant: This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome!

7 minutes later

*You and Rhea run and hit each other with a 'Pump kick' both of you fall down, laid out on the mat. Punk and Dominik encouraging you both to get up and make the tag*

Crowd chant: CM Punk! CM Punk! CM Punk! CM Punk! CM Punk! CM Punk! CM Punk! CM Punk! CM Punk! CM Punk! CM Punk! CM Punk!

*At the same time, you and Rhea hot-tag Punk and Dominik in, the crowd goes wild as Punk gets in the ring and instantly gets the upper hand over Dominik as you and Rhea fell on the floor. Punk applies a 'side headlock' on Dominik. Punk wrenches the hold, putting pressure on Dominik's neck, but Dominik refuses to submit. Dom starts to fight back, managing to push Punk off and send him bouncing off the ropes. Dominik charges, attempting a clothesline, but Punk ducks under it and rebounds off the ropes himself*

Crowd chant: Let's go Punk! Dominik sucks! Let's go Punk! Dominik sucks! Let's go Punk! Dominik sucks! Let's go Punk! Dominik sucks! Let's go Punk! Dominik sucks! Let's go Punk! Dominik sucks!

*As Punk comes back, Dominik leapfrogs over him, showcasing his agility. Punk hits the ropes again, and Dominik goes for a hip toss, but Punk counters with a stiff kick to Dominik's midsection, momentarily staggering him, then catches Dom off guard by rolling him up*


*Dominik kicks out, Dominik pretends to fake an arm injury, distratcing the ref as Rhea gets back on the ring, getting in the ring and knocks down Punk. You slide in the ring, running towards Rhea, taking you both crashing hard outside the ring with a 'clothesline' over the top rope. You felt Rhea tap your arm as her arm had been behind your back when you two feel. Dominik kicks Punk in the stomach, looking for 'Three amigos' but Punk counters with 'GTS' covering Dominik*


*Rhea gets in the ring and drags Punk off of Dominik, Punk stands up to face Rhea*

Crowd chant: You fucked up! You fucked up! You fucked up! You fucked up! You fucked up! You fucked up! You fucked up! You fucked up!

*You slide in the ring behind Rhea, you grab Rhea by her shoulder, spinning her around to face you. You kick Rhea in her stomach as Punk grabs Dominik and sets him up for 'GTS' At the same time, you hit Rhea with 'Lunar Buster' and Punk hits Dominik with 'GTS' both of you pinning them*


Ring the bell!

*Dominik and Rhea roll out of the ring as you and Punk get your arms raised and the crowd cheers very loudly*

"Here are your winners. Ashley Orton and CM Punk!"

*The ref gets out of the ringto check on Rheaa and Dominik, you and Punk hug before standing on the turnbuckles, raisng your arms as the crowd cheers for you both*

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