Ashley.O vs Alba.F

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*Your theme hit and the crowd cheers as they stand up. You walk out, gripping your jacket before reaching up and lower your glasses a bit as you look around at the crowd with a smirk on your face before putting them back on and start walking to the ring while high-fiving fans*

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Croydon, England, she is the 2024 Women's Royal Rumble winner, Ashley Orton!"

*You slide onto the apron and raise your hand to head as you have your hand raised with your index finger and pinky finger and an extended thumb up before getting in the ring. You walk around the ring before standing in middle of the ring and you raise your hand to head as you have your hand raised with your index finger and pinky finger and an extended thumb up. You throw your hand down as Alba's theme plays and the crowd boos as she walks out, no Isla Dawn by her side*

"And her opponent. From Glasgow, Scotland, Alba Fyre!"

*You take off your glasses and jacket and put it outside the ring, stretching against the ropes as Alba gets in the ring and finishes up her entrance. Alba puts her staff on the apron along with putting her jacket outside the ring before facing you*

Ring the bell!

*You and Alba circle around the ring, faking locks up until Alba faked a locked up, you get behind her, getting in her a 'Wasitlock' and do a 'Waistlock takedown' moving into a 'headlock' with the crowd cheering you on. You feel Alba grab your arm, so you let her go only to grab her arm and twist it as you stand up, Alba up on one knee. Alba start to stand up and pushes you back, you wrapping your arms under the ropes as you and Alba stare at each as the fans cheer for you and boo for Alba. You and Alba lock up, Alba overpowering you into the corner after kicking your leg, pressing you back into the turnbuckle until the ref's count of '4' Alba kicked you in the stomach, causing you fall down as she back away. Alba ran towards you, but before she could hit you, you rolled out of the ring, Alba hitting her knees on the turnbuckle*

Crowd chant: Let's go Ashley! Let's go Ashley! Let's go Ashley! Let's go Ashley! Let's go Ashley! Let's go Ashley! Let's go Ashley! Let's go Ashley!

*You grab Alba's leg, pulling her out of the ring and hit her with a 'forearm' hard enough to turn her around, then pick her up, going for a 'Eletric Chair' dropping her on the drop. You stand on the apron, hyping up the crowd, getting cheers in response. You roll Alba back in the ring, pinning her*


*Alba kicks out and rolls out of the ring as you sit on knees, hands on your hips as you look at the ref before standing up. You look at Alba before running, boucning off the ropes and take Alba down with a 'Suicide Dive' Getting up, you quickly get Alba back in the ring, Isla then came out of the nowhere, the ref distracted with Alba, Isla tried to whip you into the steel steps, but you countered and whip her into steel steps. The crowd cheered, you got back in the ring, Alba tried to swing at you, but you ducked under her, bouncing off the ropes, hitting Alba with a 'Dropkick' then a 'Senton' pinning her*


*Alba gets her shoulder up, trying to move away, but you grab her by the her hair, pulling her up to her feet, whipping Alba into the corner, running and hit her with a 'Clothesline' backing away as she falls into the corner, then hit her with a 'cannonball' Alba stumbles into the middle of the ring, you were looking for 'LunarBuster' but, Isla grabbed your ankle, stopping you in your tracks and the ref saw. Isla got on the apron, arguing with the ref. You went over to Alba, but Alba kicked you and set you up for 'Alba Gu Brath' hitting you with it as the ref kicks Isla out. Alba pins you as the ref focuses back on the match*


*You kick out and the crowd gasps before cheering, Alba in absolute shocked as she argues with the ref. You start slamming your hands down on the mat, the crowd starts clapping their hands together as you start to stand up*

Crowd chant: Let's go Ashley! Let's go Ashley! Let's go Ashley! Let's go Ashley! Let's go Ashley! Let's go Ashley! Let's go Ashley! Let's go Ashley!

*You and Alba lock up, both of you trying to overpower each other, you whipping Alba into the ropes and hit her with a 'Powerslam' You taunt Alba, watching her stand up. You grabbed Alba and hit her with 'LunarBuster' covering her*


Ring the bell!

*You get off of Alba, standing up as the ref raises your arm and the crowd cheers*

"Here is your winner. Ashley Orton!"

*You roll out of the ring, walking around it, high-fiving fans, signing and taking pictures with them before you start making your way backstage, only to be stopped as 'The Other Side' starts playing and the crowd boos as Dominik, JD, Finn, and Damian all walked out together since they had a match against The Awesome Truth and #DIY. The lights came on, you and Damian starred as each other as JD, Dominik, and Finn just watched. You walked backstage, leaving the 3 other men of The Judgment Day confusion at the strange interaction between you and Señor Money In The Bank*

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