WrestleMania XL Saturday

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*April 6th, 2024. 9:45AM. You woke up to your alarm going off right next to you since your phone was by your pillow and the sun shining through the curtains, lighting up your hotel room. You groan, pulling the covers over your head as you then proceed to shut your phone off, silenting the alarm. Today was a very excited, but stressful day as it is finally WrestleMania weekend! You stayed under the covers for a couple minutes before move the blanket down your body as you sit up in bed. You look over to the left, seeing the empty space. You and Demi decided to get separate rooms for the night as you both would need the space to mentally find the night mindsets for today. You push the blanket off your body as you got out of bed, stretching your body as you let out a yawn before walking over to the bathroom, flipping the switch to turn on the lights. You turned on the shower, setting the water temperature to warm, but a bit hot, liking that morning hot shower. You got undressed, putting your clothes in the corner of the bathroom before stepping into the shower, closing the door behind you. The warm water cascaded down your shoulders, soothing your muscles as you leaned against the tiled wall of the shower. The steam filled the bathroom, fogging up the mirror and creating a cocoon of comfort. After washing up and washing your hair, you allowed yourself a few more moments under the stream before reaching out to turn the faucet off. Wrapping a soft towel around your body, you stepped onto the bath mat, your wet hair dripping onto your shoulders. You grabbed another towel and started drying your hair, humming softly to yourself. After patting your face dry, you walked into the bedroom, the morning sunlight still streaming through the curtains. You picked up your phone from the nightstand. The screen lit up, revealing a new message from Demi: "Good morning, my love ❤️ Hope you slept well. I'll come to your room after I get myself ready. Love you." A wide smile spread across your face as your heart fluttered as you quickly typed a reply: "Good morning, baby ❤️ You're the sweetest. Love you too." You put your phone back down, walking over to your suitcase, opening it to grab underwear, a baggy shirt that you took from Demi's closet and a pair of sweatpants, getting dried off and dressed. You walk back into the bathroom, hanging the towels up and grab the blowdryer, plugging it in and turn it on as you start drying your hair*

30 minutes later

*Hearing your phone go off, you pick it up, seeing a text from Demi: "I'm here. Open up before I knock the door down 😏." You smile, shaking your head as you walk over to the door, unlocking it and opened it, seeing Demi with her suitcase and a bag. A mischievous grin spread across her face as she leaned against the doorframe*

You: You're late

Demi: I'm not late; you're just impatient

*You step aside, allowing Demi to walk into the room, you closing the door behind her. Demi then stepped closer, wrapping her arms around your waist*

Demi: You ready to go make history?

You: Always. Especially when I'm making history with you

*Demi pressed a kiss to your forehead before stepping back, letting you put your shoes on as Demi grabbed your suitcase and your backpack. You open the door, you and Demi walking out of the room, the door closing behind you two. You take your stuff from Demi as she grabs her bags, the two of you walking to the elevator*

At 2Pm

*You sat in the ring as Jonathan stood on the outside of the ring, you two talking about random shit*

Jonathan: Hey, you know I've always been in your corner, right?

You: Yeah. Why?

Jonathan: All I'm saying is, your Uncle Jon has always had your back. From cheering you on during your first match to being your favorite uncle...

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