Ashlynn Luna-Orton, better known as Ashley Orton, the adopted daughter of Randal Keith Orton, better known as Randy Orton, has been out of action for almost a entire year due to a torn ACL in her left knee. As for her father, who has been out for a...
*It was Tuesday here in Orlando, which meant it was NXT. You were only here because you're traveling with Judgment Day. You obviously weren't planned to show on NXT, so you decided to work out during the show. It was maybe 7:15 pm when you started your warm-up which was 5-10 minutes of light cardio (jogging, jumping jacks, etc.) Arm circles: 20 seconds forward, 20 seconds backward Leg swings: 10 swings each leg front to back, 10 swings each leg side to side. Demi saw and walked over*
Demi: Hey!
*You look up and look at Demi through the mirror that was built on the wall*
You: Hey, Dems
Demi: Just wanted to check on you before the show started. Gonna workout through the show?
You: Probably
Demi: Just don't overwork yourself
You: You got it
*Demi pats your shoulder before walking away to join Dominik, Luis, Fergal, and Jordan. You start your workout as NXT kicks off in just a couple of minutes. You were doing your 3 sets of 12 reps of Bodyweight Squats, Marie walked over and sat down on the floor against the mirror wall*
Marie: Demi said that I could stay with you until she and the guys were done
You: That's fine
*You grab a pair of 30 lbs dumbbells and start your 3 sets of 12 reps on each leg*
Marie: Demi talks a lot about you
You: She does?
Marie: Yeah. She must really like you..almost like she has a crush on you
*You paused mid-way through a lunge. You stand up and look at Marie*
You: Wha-what?
Marie: The way she talks about you, the way she acts when you're around. It's obvious she's crushing on you
An hour and a half later
*You had already taken a shower and changed into a baggy shirt and sweatpants. Demi, Dominik, Luis, Fergal, and Jordan came walking around the corner, carrying their bags*
You: You five have a fun NXT?
Dominik: We sure did!
Luis: Fergal is a bit grumpy though
Fergal: I am not!
Jordan: You kinda are...We'll meet you guys in the car. Gonna go grab Fergal a bag of chips
*Fergals groans as Jordan drags him away, the rest of you laughing as you make your way outside to the car. Waiting for Fergal and Jordan, the four of you were leaning against the car, you were on your phone*
You: Well shit
Luis: What's wrong?
You: Hunter just sent me an email, saying he booked me a match against Stephanie for Tribute to the Troops
Dominik: Nox or Yim
You: Yim
Demi: I have a match for a house in Rhode Island on Saturday if you wanna fly out with me on Wednesday
You: That would be amazing. Thank you, Demi
Demi: That's what friends are
~Instagram Posts~
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@Ashluna_wwe Caption- Getting more time in everyday
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@Ashluna_wwe Caption- @rhearipley_wwe @raquelwwe @beckylynchwwe @indihartwell & @ivynile_wwe mind if I join the back muscle club?👀