Monday Night RAW

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*The crowd stands up and cheers as your theme hits. You walk out, raisng your hand with your index finger and pinky finger and an extended thumb up. You throw your hand down as you walk to the ring, high-fiving fans*

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the 2024 Women's Royal Rumble Winner, Ashley Orton!"

*You walk over to commentary, shaking Michael's hand and high-five Pat as you sit down next to Pat*

After commerical break

*The crowd cheers again as the camera pands over onto you as Liv's theme plays and you look at the titantron, watching as Liv comes out*

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Elm Wood Park, New Jersey, Liv Morgan!"

*Liv high-five fans before rolling into the ring, standing up she goes over to the ropes, sitting on the middle rope. Liv gets back in the ring, looking over at you. You two make eye contact, Liv blowing you a kiss with a smirk on her face as she glares at you, you looked confused at Liv and rolled your eyes. The crowd cheered again as Becky's theme plays and she walks out, raising her arm as fog machines go off*

"Introducing her opponent. From Dublin, Ireland, "The Man" Becky Lynch!"

*Becky walks down to the ring, Liv glaring at her as you just sat back and watched. Becky got in the ring, ignoring Liv as she went around the ring, standing out the ropes, the crowd cheering each time. Becky pointed at you and you pointed at her with a small smile*

During the end of the match

*The ref was currently distracted with Becky, checking on her. Liv was on the top rope, waiting for Becky when you suddenly got up, running over and push Liv off the turnbuckle, the crowd cheering, maybe a few boos from the ones that love Liv as you smirk and stand in front of the commentary desk. Becky grabs Liv and hits her with 'Manhandle Slam" and pins her*




Ring the bell!

*You laugh, clapping your hands as Becky gets the win over Liv. Becky stands up, getting her hand raised as Liv glares at you*

"Here is your winner! "The Man" Becky Lynch!"

*Becky gets out of the ring after a few seconds and heads backstage, you get in the ring with Liv as she stands up. Liv getting in your face*

You: Aww! What's the matter, Liv? Couldn't get the win over Becky tonight..that's just sad

Liv:...You don't deserve to be at WrestleMania, I do! 

You: Well, too bad! I won the Royal Rumble, you didn't. I won our match at Elimination Chamber, you didn't. So, I deserve this way more than you, sweetheart

Liv: Ashley-

'This is my Brutality!'

*The crowd cheers as you and Liv look towards the titantron as Rhea's theme plays and a few seconds later, Rhea walks out, holding a microphone*

Rhea: Liv, Liv, Liv...Ash is right. You don't deserve to face Mami at WrestleMania. I need a worthy opponent, someone who can actually put up a fight against me..which is why Ash is the perfect opponent for me to show everyone, including you why I am unbeatable and why Mami is always on top! But, I couldn't help to wonder, if it's the "Liv Morgan Revenge Tour" then why haven't you gotten your revenge?

*Liv was about to storm out of the ring when your wrapped your arm around her waist, pulling her back, holding Liv back as she screamed at Rhea, only making Rhea laugh as she got closer to the ring. Rhea got on the apron, staring at you and Liv, acting like she was about to start a fight, but then jumped off the apron, shaking her head*

Rhea: I ain't got the time to deal with the two of you right now

*Rhea heads backstage and you let go of Liv. Liv turns around to look at you, the two of you going back and forth until Liv shoved you back hard, making you stumble just a bit. You look at Liv then hit her with a 'Discus Clothesline' the crowd cheering as you laid Liv out*

You: Don't mess with The Viper, Morgan!

*You get out of the ring, walking backstage as the cameraman follows you. You get out of gorilla, walking down the hallway when Cathy stops you, holding a microphone*

Cathy: Ash, you just attacked Liv out in the ring-

You: Cathy, I love you, but attacked Liv? No, no, I showed Liv why she shouldn't mess with "The Viper" Ashley Orton. Liv should be glad that I was the one that hit her instead of Rhea, because who knows, Rhea probably would have broke Liv's arm again, putting her out for anothr 8 months

*You look at Cathy and smile before walking away, leaving Cathy speechless as RAW goes to commerical break*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11 ⏰

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