Chapter 01

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Minji's POV
20 April 2013

"A person I like?" Jungkook nodded and waited for me to continue. I kept a fake smile plastered on my face and pretended to think although I already knew my answer. I wanted to tell him the truth. If only I could say it to him.

'The one I like is you.'

"I'm not sure," I lied and laughed it off as a joke, but deep inside it made me feel sick to my stomach. "Are you sure?" He asked not sounding convinced of my reply. I shrugged teasingly.

I picked up the remote and flicked through the various channel while trying to find a suitable show for my mood.

"You know I would tell you anything." I assured him. Jungkook pouted as I picked up my cup of soda from the table, and took a sip before putting back down onto the table.

I pinched his cheeks as he puffed them out, I pinched it tightly and pulled them until they were beginning to glow red.

"Ouch ouch Minji !" Jungkook exclaimed as he brushed my hand away and rubbed his freshly swollen red puffy cheeks.

"Aw is Kookie angry?" I asked mockingly and reached to pinch his cheeks again but this time he pushed my hands away.

He glared at me and turned away so his back was facing me. I laughed and hugged him from behind.

"Come on Kookie it was just a joke~" I cooed trying to calm him down.

I could feel the tingling sensation between us and it was so addictive. As if Jeon Jungkook himself was a deadly drug that no one was able to help me stay away from. His mellow sweet scent never failed to send me into overdrive. The way his voice could always make my head go to cloud nine.

I loved it so much.

I tightened my hug and buried my head in the croak of his neck. I enjoyed the moment and inhaled his scent.

"Hey Jungkook if you ever find a girlfriend you won't abandon or neglect me will you?" I asked.

He pulled away from the hug and stared at me as if what I had said was a very serious offence. I waved my hand in front of his face and waited for his reply. Jungkook had a serious expression, lips formed a straight line, forehead creased and his eyes not flickering.

"Did I seem like the type to abandon his childhood friend for a girl?"

I shook my head, "but what if she gets jealous and tells you to stay away from me?" I asked and rested my head on his shoulder.

"I don't care, I'll leave her. No I won't ever leave you." He stated.

I cracked a small smile. I felt a blush creep into my face as slowly closed my eyes.

I'll confess one day when the time's right.

And then I'll be your girlfriend.


2 year later

"Hey Kookie how about this movie?" I asked and held up an action movie. Jungkook once again ignored me as he read another one of his text messages.

I assumed he was talking to my best friend Yeri once again.

The disc slipped out of my hand and fell on the floor. I cursed silently to myself and picked it up again to examine if it had gotten any scratches.

I sighed in relief and put it back in the box before glancing at the lovesick boy who couldn't even spare a glance to see what I was doing.

"Jungkook are we even going to talk?" No reply except from a soft giggle which escaped from his irresistible plump lips.

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