Special Chapter : Bittersweet Chocolate

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The small white box laid in my hands, I fiddled with the ends of the black lace ribbon. A single drip of sweat formed on my forehead as I debated whether or not to give Jungkook the chocolate after all.

I spent the whole night making he perfect chocolate but now my anxiety was kicking in, what if he didn't want to accept it?

Jungkook had way more girls giving him chocolate. I sighed and looked down defeatedly, before flinching and nearly dropping the white box from a sudden slap on the back.

I snapped my head around and smiled. "Hi Yeri!" I smiled as she gave me a grin before eying the box in my hand.

Her lips suddenly curved up to a smirk.

Yeri nudged my sides and poked my hips, making me giggle. "You giving that to your hubby?" She cheered as she teasing hugged me from the side.

I blushed slightly and gave a curt nod. We watched in the distance as Jungkook waved to everyone, he was back in school for a day to visit the school; it was just pure coincidence that he came on Valentine's Day.

Dejectedly, I pulled the box of chocolates up higher into the air. "I'm just not sure if I should give it to him."

Silence filled the air before Yeri scoffed and blew a hot breath into my neck. I screeched and pushed her back, goosebumps formed on my skin as she held up a peace sign with a straight face.

"Minji you better fight for your love. You like him too much not to give it to him." That's right but you're the one he likes, not me.

I sucked in all the air I could and did the fighting sign. Yeri gave me a proud look and pat me on the back as she placed her hands on my shoulders and gave me a light push.

"Minji fighting!"

I took careful steps towards my supposably childhood friend, my steps were stiff and I almost resembled a robot of some sort. Yeri sweat dropped as she watched my pitiful side shine through.

Taking another step, I somehow tripped over my own feet. My eyes widened before I shut them tightly.

Waiting for the solid concrete to collide with my face, I kept my eyes shut. But nothing came. I slowly opened one eye to find myself in the arms of the bog who was melting both the chocolates in my hands and also myself.

I straightened up my posture straight away and felt the blush reach my face. I was flustered and fumbling with the box in my hand, nearly dropping it more than once.

Jungkook chuckled at my pathetic behaviour and messed up my hair. I pouted and narrowed my eyes at the boy.

"Hey Minji, long time no see? Still falling on me aren't you?" He laughed.

I also laughed at the irony of his joke. From a distance I spotted Yeri sitting in a blush, she gave me a thumbs up and turned around so her back faced me. She wrapped her arms around her slim figure and began moving her arms up and down.

I blushed as I realised she was basically sending me a message saying to 'grab him and kiss the hell out of him'.

My eye twitched as I made a mental note to punch Yeri later on.

Jungkook raised an eyebrow as he noticed my sudden change in mood; from a flustered one to a rather murderous one.

"Minji are you okay?" I snapped out of my plans for punching Yeri and smiled. "I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be okay? Why are you not okay? You should be okay? Is it just me or is it getting hot right now?" I rumbled on as the words spilled out of my mouth uncontrollably.

Jungkook was taken back but never less smiled. He stared at my hands and I followed his sight down to my hands.

He was eyeing the white box in my hands.

"Planning to give a special someone a gift?" I looked up and my eyes began spinning.

"A-ah yeah it's for someone special." I flickered my sight between Jungkook and the box before getting the courage to admit it was for him. "Actually Jungkook this is for -"

"I forgot to tell you! I've rejected everyone's chocolates today, I decided I'm only going to accept Yeri's chocolates. Do you think she's going to give me some? I'm so excited!" He gleamed.

The dejected feeling stabbed me through the gut, making me want to throw up. I swiftly moved the box behind my box and hid the frown that was becoming apparent on my face.

He would reject mine as well.

I peeked up behind Jungkook and found that Yeri was gesturing for me to give him the chocolate already.

I glanced up at Jungkook and watched as the sparks flew in his eyes, his excitement was real. His eyes all sparkly, his mouth barely able to contain the huge grin on his face.

He's no longer that teasing and smart-mouthed person I remembered. He was lovesick but not as much as me. If Jungkook was having the flu then I had cancer, not something that was incurable but slow and painful.

I stepped backwards and gave a fake smile. "I'm sure she'll give you some later Jungkook. I need to go now so bye!" I ran off by myself, leaving the smiling boy to himself.

The hallways were empty, I dashed into the storage room and let my knees finally give out on me. I slid down the down, leaning forward as the box slipped out of my hands onto the cold floor.

Shutting my eyes, I saw small white specks and various patterns. I peeked from the corner of my eye and stared at the ribbon that was loosened and slightly ragged while the box outside was becoming worn-out and creased on the edges.

I picked up the box and picked out one of the chocolates. I popped it into my mouth, letting the soft melty chocolate spread its taste throughout my mouth.

It had this peculiar taste to it.

A bittersweet taste.


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Author's Note

Because I love you guys <3
Happy valentines!

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