Chapter 09

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Minji's POV

Everyday started with a smile and ended the same way. Jungkook, Jun and I were pretty much an inseparable trio. It's been two weeks since I confessed to Jungkook and life has been extraordinary.

Jungkook had been somewhat extra affectionate and caring towards me. It was as if we were dating; he often held my hand when ever he could and even kissed me on the cheek once or twice.

Life was perfect, well near perfect.

"Is Jungkook dating Yeri?" This one question today knocked some sense back into me. Jungkook was still indeed dating Yeri.

I flipped the page of the book and sighed. Studying in the library by yourself is so boring, Jun skipped out on studying because apparently 'he's a genius' according to himself.

The side of my hair kept hitting me in my face, making me sigh heavily. What am I doing? Even if I hate Yeri, it's still wrong to be making her boyfriend fall in love with me. I'm doing the same thing as Yeri, how am I any better than her. Wait Minji shut up! It's first come first serve.

I brushed my hair behind my ear and twitched my nose. My brain was going to melt if I continued trying to juggle Math problems along with my love life at the same time.

A small frown crept on my face and it slowly deepened as I spotted Jungkook outside with Yeri. The two were eating lunch together, laughing and making goofy faces at each other. I felt my stomach churn as I turned away from the window. I carelessly threw my laptop along with my textbook in my bag.

I waltzed outside with my head held low and the visible frown still on my face. I slung my bag behind my back as I stalked as far away as I could be from the source of happiness.

For the next few minutes I didn't really know where I was going or where I was. At this point I had made it to the far opposite side of where my house was. I looked around at my surroundings and found nothing familiar, it was getting late as well, the sun was already beginning to set.

I pulled out my phone and went through my list of contacts. I unconsciously made it to Jungkook's name but was hesitate whether or not to call him.

He was probably busy with Yeri.

I ended up calling the next best thing. Suga.

Luckily Suga was close by, just a five minute walk away. He ended up picking me up with his car, my heart immediately dropped when I noticed a pretty girl in the passenger's seat.

"Omo! Oppa why didn't you tell me you were on a date?" Suga's eyes widened as I stood in front of him, teeth chattering.

"No no, I'm just her taxi." I raised an eyebrow at him but decided to bother him about it afterwards. I stepped into the car and greeted the girl. She was sincerely polite and well dignified, her and Suga would be a nice couple.

I looked out the window and began my daily fantasising about Jungkook. You know the typical korean drama plot, all those sorts of cheesy things.

Damn Jungkook really likes messing up my head.

I leaned towards the window of the car and shut my eyes for a moment. Am I really the heroine on this drama or the side character?

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