Chapter 11

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I pulled my hand away with a slight pout. "I'm not addicted." I said, looking down at the ground as a chuckle escaped the boy's lips.

"Fine you're not but I know you love me more that anything." He sang, I could practically hear how the corners of his lips pulled up to a sly smirk. I quivered a little and hugged myself.

Everything I said was a lie.

I know very well that I'm addicted to him. He's my everlasting drug that has been slowly killing me the past years. I'm being tied down by him, I was under his complete control. One command and I would do it no matter what.

"Yah Jeon Jungkook where exactly are we going?" I asked as our elbows bumped into each other once again while I followed him around like a lost puppy. Jungkook pat my head and grinned.

I narrowed my eyes to a slit as he didn't even bother answering my question and continued humming. I pouted and slapped his hand off my head as I glared. "Don't patronize me." I hissed and for some unknown reason Jungkook chuckled. His lips still curved and a playful, mellow look in his eyes.

Right now he was content and comfortable. But he was still somewhat tense in his shoulders. I poked his shoulder and felt how it suddenly flinched.

His shoulder blades were now more visible and his wrist was probably half of its size from just last month. His eyes had visible bags and faint dark circles. It was worrisome, to think such a young guy was out nearly everyday, preforming while traveling.

"Jungkook are you okay? We don't need to go out too far, I'm alright with just ordering food from my apartment." I suggested as I tugged his clothes lightly, barely stretching the thick material.

Jungkook turned around with a red nose and smile. "I'm okay, let's eat out for once. Eating at home all the time is boring." The corner of his lips shifted from a smile to yet another cunning smirk; one that was now infamous to me. "Unless you want me all to yourself."

I turned my head away with a 'hmph'. "Well I apologise for being worried about you."

He gave a muffled laugh before wrapping his arms around my small figure, his large figure practically swallowing up my rather tiny stature.

"I'm seriously okay so let's just have some fun today."

We made it to the arcade, by the time we got there Jungkook was all shielded up with a mask and fake glasses. In my opinion he looked freaking adorable with his getup, to me he looked exactly the same as before but somehow no one recognised him.

"I want to play air hockey!" He exclaimed as he forcibly pulled me over to the air hockey table which was free from people.

I giggled and sighed. "I'm pretty good at this Jungkook so don't cry when you lose." I put my hand over my chest proudly as I gloated about my hidden special talent in a game that was completely stupid in a real life situation. So perhaps when I get into a fight, I'll throw a puck in their mouth.

"Don't underestimate the golden maknae!" I grinned along with him and the game started.

It was intense the whole time, we even managed to gather a small crowd which cheered for both sides of the game. In the end we ended up in a tie, both covered in light sweat.

We shook hands as if this was a professional business and gave each other a curt nod.

Next we played some racing games which he won without ease and shoved it in my face. But I quickly got my revenge when we played a shooting game which I won without a fight, I clicked my tongue proudly and crossed my arms as an imaginary spot light shone on me.

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