Chapter 20

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I found myself in that same position I was in nearly every night since I had confessed my feelings at last, lying down on my bed whilst holding onto my pillow tightly.

Refusing to cry like I use to, I held the necklace up into the air to admire the accents of Rose gold to the silver that shimmered in the ceiling light. The small heart and key hanging from a thin silver chain that had small delicate clasps at the end.

What to do now?

Depending on Suga was beginning to make me feel horrible as I was putting large burdens on him like I did for Jun. Facing Yeri was bad enough when I confronted her about Jun but that was at the sprawl of the moment, jjthe adrenaline was rushing through me, sending me in a state that even I couldn't control.

But now, it was just different to before. This was Kang Jun, the guy who stuck by me despite knowing me for barely a day.

But his words yesterday just...

I sighed and decided to get my mind off of it and stared back down to the floor. Three boxes, all the boxes were tied up neatly with the price sticker peeled off. This was an obvious indication that everything was probably expensive as hell.

Picking up the largest box of the three, I pulled on the smooth ribbon, untying the bow. Lifting up the lid of the box, a small note fell onto my lap. I put the note to the side and proceeded to look the contents of the box which pleasantly surprised me with the sight of a beautiful cream dress.

This dress probably cost a fortune

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This dress probably cost a fortune. Oh the irony of receiving not one but most likely three expensive presents in a single day.

I envy those who can spend money without a second thought.

Picking up the dress from the box, I felt the soft, rough dress rub against my skin as it fluttered in the air. It wasn't too short and I was sincerely grateful to Jungkook for choosing a decent dress that conserved my dignity.

It seemed fitting to be in a modern day dance formal. I saw most of the other girl's dresses who brought it to school for no other reason but to boast and gloat.

Dresses ranged from being too short to being completely revealing. But these were mostly the girls who ran around looking for a quick hook up with any guy. Some girls were wearing thigh high dresses; weirdly enough it had become an odd trend for girls to just wear dresses that were either black or white.

When I placed the dress back into the box, after a moment of admiring the carefully crafted dress, my fingers grasped onto the baby blue note.

「 like the dress? don't worry about
paying me back, it was my honour
buying you the dress. hope it fits 」

Smiling widely, I prevented a squeal from erupting from my mouth. All this was so cliche and I couldn't believe how cheesy Jungkook was acting despite all of those times he called me complaining about Jimin and Taehee's PDA.

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