Chapter 10

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I braided another part of us hair as he continued humming an unfamiliar tune. His head was currently resting on my lap and I was finding it very hard to breath right now considering his stupid cologne was filling my nose every time I breathed in air.

He's cheating on Yeri and I, her ex-best friend was helping him. I'm the dirty annoying ass girl everyone hates in those dramas.

I know I'm horrible for saying this but I'm happy. I felt absolutely horrible at the same time but happy.

There was something I actually wanted to ask him, but I didn't have the guts to say it. I wanted to ask why he was talking to Yeri yesterday, apparently they recently got into a fight. Something about Yeri complaining that Jungkook was too busy at work, I don't exactly remember but all the girls in my class was talking about it. They were recently avoiding each other if I remember correctly.

I sucked up all the remaining courage I had and stopped crippling his hair into small braids.

"Jungkook what's going on with you and Yeri?" Jungkook stopped humming before looking up at me, "we're going through a rough patch. She's much more different than how I thought she was going to be like, overly clingy and possessive. But recently she told me she's been feeling sick and stuff, vomiting all that stuff. I think she might of got me sick as well." He pretended to act sick.

I chuckled and placed my hand over his forehead, pretending to take his temperature. I pulled my hand back and faked a surprised face. "Omo you're having a fever." I stood up as he sat down properly. I stood in front him, lean down a little so my back was arched and pulled my fingers up my lips to gesture for him to smile or laugh.

Jungkook pulled my wrist towards him, a smirk playing on his face as I land on his lap. So now I was sitting on Jungkook, our faces were facing each other so I blushed a deep red.

He chuckled and kissed my forehead before letting me off his lap to avoid an even more awkward situation. "Idiot." I muttered as I sat next to Jungkook, leaning against his side and hid my face away from his.

A small wisp of air was blown on my ear as Jungkook inched closer to my ear.

"You like this idiot." A deep and calm voice greeted my ears. I pouted and pushed his face away. "Don't use my feelings as a way to tease me." I glared as he stuck his tongue out at me.

I laughed and buried my head in his shoulder. "Jungkook has anything changed?" He stayed quiet, silence was his answer. Although he was being extra affectionate towards me, I knew he was still fighting his feelings, Yeri may not be the person he thought she was but feelings don't change easily.

On the same note about Yeri, this morning while Jungkook was making me breakfast, she texted me. She wants to be friends again.

There was a part of me wondering why it took so long for him to fight for me but there was also a part that both disposed her and missed her to bits.

For some reason, being the idiot I am. I told her it was okay. So now Bae Minji the idiot is now friends with the girl who is dating the boy she likes and is also practically her boyfriend's cheating partner. I know I was way too harsh on her, but I couldn't help it.

She knew everything. From how I felt, I told her everything but she betrayed me. Yeri went behind my back and dated the boy I liked, she lied to me over and over again.

Yet why do I feel like I'm the world's worst person?

"On another note, want to go out?" My eyes sparked and instantly my mind was cleared of all the negativity.

"Okay." I stood up and ran to my room to change into different clothes. I ended up wearing a floral skirt, white short sleeve shirt paired up with a belt, black boots and a maroon cardigan.

Feeling satisfied with my outfit, I waltzed outside of my room only to find Jungkook waiting for me.

"Ready to go?" I grinned and nodded. He grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together. Feeling my face heat up, I looked down embarrassed. Jungkook must've noticed because he pushed my face up with a single finger so I was facing him completely.

A smirk laid on his face as he guided me outside. My black locks trailed down my back as I glanced briefly at our locked hands.

So this is how it feels like to go on a date with Jungkook.

"Jungkook...where are we going exactly?" My words trailed as I noticed our walk was pretty long. Thankfully it wasn't snowing like most days but it was still pretty cold.

The latter didn't answer and instead just gripped onto my hand tighter. Sighing a little, I kept a composed smile on my lips and looked ahead. It didn't matter in the first place, being with him is enough.

I shut my eyes for a second and then looked up into the sky. I jolted when the sudden ringing of my phone, my ringtone was I Need U, more specifically Jungkook's part.



A sweat dropped and I stopped walking as my face fell into a rather confused and worried look.

"Hey Jun, what's wrong?" Jungkook watched me carefully, his expression unreadable. I held up two fingers as a sign to give me two minutes to talk to my somewhat (?) new best friend. "Nothing. I just wanted to hear your beautiful voice, my lady." I nearly scoffed and spat out my saliva but I didn't want to look so unladylike in front of Jungkook. "Minji, are you still coming to the fireworks?"

"Of course I'm coming you idiot. Damn Jun I thought I told you last time, why are you so forgetful and annoying?" I asked in a teasing tone.

"Wah! Minji's so mean!" I heard him fake cry. I giggled a little and smiled brightly. "Okay I have to go but I'll call you later. Bye Kang"

"Okay bye Bae." With that I hung up.

I tucked my phone into my bag and looked at Jungkook. He was staring at me with a slight pout and a crease in his forehead. "Sorry about that. Jun is a little over clingy with me." I rubbed the nape of my neck and when I noticed Jungkook still quiet, I felt myself getting nervous.

"J-Jungkook are you okay?" I fumbled by accident. That's when it hit me, "are you perhaps jealous?"

He leaned in closer so our lips were barely an inch apart. "Of course I'm okay. I'm slightly unfazed or intimidated by Jun. Why would I be jealous?" Jungkook sifted his head and nibbled on my ear.

My face was a whole new shade of red. My mouth gaping and my eyes widened. Tingles sent waves of pleasurable electricity through my body, making me shudder and my knees weak to the point I could collapse with any support.

Jungkook kept me up by wrapping his arm around my waist. Where the hell did my innocent Kookie go?

How did he grow up in a blink of an eye?

He blew a warm breath in my ear, the minty and crisp smell was faint to my nose. Jungkook was dangerously close, to the point I felt his body head on my neck.

I was going crazy, if you thought the way he bit his lip was hot then right now in my position, you weren't even melting but evaporating. He's a drug alright, being with him was pure ecstasy.

"Why should I be worried when I know you're addicted to me?"


Author's note

My first update of 2016 ! This story is basically near the halfway point, so expect a few more happy chapters before it hits its climax and trust me there's a huge twist at the end.

Check out my V fanfic! 

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