Chapter 19

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Hey a little note to Seventeen fans, Min_jaein has a Seventeen imagines book! Please support her :)

Sorry if the chapter has mistakes, I only had an hour and a half to write this so I didn't re-read it!

3 chapters to go.


"I look fat." I watched as the girls in our class groaned about their non-existent fat. The school dance was coming soon and everyone was freaking out about preparations.

I for one still has not chosen my dress, shoes or even my mask for the masquerade theme. This was all trivia for me, the main importance of the dance to me was simply receiving an answer to my confession.

Yeri sat next to me, humming a tune as she flicked through a fashion magazine. She had been asked out by nearly twelve people in just this past week, in spite of this she rejected every single one. When I had asked, she had replied 'those boys would've just left me for some other girl at the dance'.

So instead, she decided to just go solo.

Nearly the same thing occurred to Jun, he was asked out by a hoard of girls but he rejected everyone of them, stating that he was going with a group of friends, who I guessed consisted of Jaehyun and maybe Seokmin.

I spun my pencil in between my fingers before being interrupted by a female classmate who nudged me on the shoulder with a nervous demeanour. "Ano. Minji-ssi, Yeri-ssi. Is either one of you going with Jungkook oppa to the dance?"

Oppa? You're both practically the same age, actually you're probably older.

Smiling, Yeri shook her head. Biting my lower lip, I also shook my head and watched as her eyes twinkled with false hope.

Pretty much, half of the female seniors wanted to go with Jungkook to the dance. One quarter is pretty much gunning to go with Jun and the remaining quarter was already in a relationship.

Biting the inside of my cheeks, I pulled out my phone and unlocked it. I took a sip of my water and drank it slowly, feeling the cool liquid going down my throat.

"That's great! Now Jungkook will surely go to the dance with me."

"What?" I spluttered, choking on my water. My hands made its way to my chest as I clutched onto the soft material of my school uniform. Yeri panicked for a second before patting my back as moral support.

The female classmate gleamed and I realised she was just some other crazed fangirl. She practically had crazy written all over her face.

Jiho, the class president walked over to us with her infamous perfect posture.

"Is there anything wrong? You're being a bit loud and disturbing the other students." She said, directing her words more to the crazy girl standing before Yeri and me. Without warning, the girl rolled her eyes and glared at Jiho before walking away without another word.

I narrowed my eyes at her, "that girl got issues."

Yeri and Jiho stared at me oddly for a moment before turning around with their backs shaking, most likely trying to muffle their laughter. It took me a few seconds to realise I had blurted that out loud for them to hear.

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