Alternative Ending; Two

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Happy new year!

There was a lot of people who wanted Minji to end up with Suga; I tried to portray him as an older brother model for Minji but most of you still shipped them so enjoy! This is really long like the final chapter, or probably longer because I got carried away, so -

There's also a short Q&A at the end explaining a few questions asked by readers and also there's an important note at the end.

so I've been reading through the comments and I've noticed that I have offended a number of you by calling white skin beautiful. I'm not trying to be racist nor am I saying coloured skin is ugly because I believe every skin tone is beautiful. For this book I've tried keeping the story as close as to Korea as I can by sticking to Korean beauty standards. Even though I don't agree to Korean beauty standards, I tried keeping this book as real as I could and this is just a harsh reality in Korea.

I will edit these parts of the book as it has upset people so I apologise once again for this. Please don't take to heart what people may say because a person's skin tone does not define a person, we are who we are and we should accept ourselves and those around us. Once again I sincerely apologise for offending everyone who was affected by my writing.

"Yeri's pregnant." Jungkook spat out. His mouth could barely let the words out.

She gave out an awkward chuckle that echoed through the empty hallways, the loud sound of the music could still be heard, "Stop messing around Jungkook." He gave a grim smile, showing that he wasn't lying. The look on his face made her bite her lip and grip on the hem of her dress.

Grabbing onto Jungkook's clothing, she clutched on the material until her knuckles turned white. "You need to be by her side." She stated. Sounding as firm as she could.

The brief statement caused Jungkook to become stunned. It wasn't hard to understand why he was surprised - Minji knew he wasn't expecting her to give up on him this easily. You would think that fighting for a boy for such a long period, a girl wouldn't give up on him no matter the circumstance but this was a unique situation.

Initially, he thought she would have more bazar reactions - like suggesting that they run away, but that morally was not the thing to do.

Jungkook caught her wrist, holding onto it with a loose grip "But I -"

"This is a sign, as much as I love you, there will never be a future for us. So please whatever your answer was to my confession, just forget those words and tell me that you don't love me." The words sounded so twisted and genuine that he didn't doubt them for a good ten seconds.

She was forcing him to reject her even though how he felt about her was so obvious that everyone knew. The flash in his eyes were unmistakable - a type of fondness that she was no stranger to; it was the same look that he use to give Yeri.

Music echoed from the central area of the dance, the loud beats bounced off the wall and into theirs ears. Breezes blowing chills against their skin.

Years together and there was so much lost time that needed to made up for.

"I don't love you. I'm sorry."

Minji smiled as she heard the words letting loose, closure for her unrequited love - her chance to finally move on with her life and to go happily follow her newly found dream. She didn't, couldn't, cry tonight. She didn't deserve to cry, it wouldn't be immediate but she would eventually get over him. There was still people who cared for her and was there, why should she be sad?

The words were so dry yet so deep at the same time. Each syllable was said with so much hesitation and reluctance but he kept reminding himself; you can't put Minji through hell, not again.

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