Final Chapter

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"Yeri's pregnant." Jungkook spat out. His mouth could barely let the words out.

She gave out an awkward chuckle that echoed through the empty balcony, the loud sound of the music could still be heard, "Stop messing around Jungkook." He gave a grim smile, assuring her — rather the both of them — that he wasn't lying. The look on his face made her bite her lip and grip on the hem of her dress, dropping any sense of profoundly.

"How long have you known?" Minji didn't want to actually know, she was just asking for just the reason her conscious and heart needed to know, every other part of her body was either numb or still recovering from shock.

This was going to change everything, his career was going to be a mess but all he cared about was Minji. After a long fearsome battle between their emotions, they were going to go through more battles except this time, there was no happy ending for either of them. Each outcome only came to a dead end which would destroy the both of them.

Minji stood still, letting the words hit her all at once. She cracked a sad smile and hugged him tightly, "then I guess this is going to be our last time together. We should make this memorable." She held him close like he did the same.

The sound of his beating heart was barely enough to make her forget the uneasiness residing in her heart.

"Can we just pretend that all this chaos didn't exist and we were actually right even if we're wrong?" He chuckled and gave a small nod. "Can we just leave right now? I want to be alone with you." Jungkook and Minji both had smiles on their face that didn't reflect a single speck of happiness, they were both mentally dying.

He interlaced his fingers around hers, wrapping them tightly as he held her small hand and brought her away. From any perspective they looked like the perfect fairytale princess and prince running away from the ball.

In a mutual decision, the two decided to go to the old bridge where they shared fond memories. The bridge was once beautiful, shiny and showed a picturesque river but like most, the beauty had slowly faded away over time; leaving an old dented, rusty bridge showcasing a contaminated lake, that had plastic bags floating in the water.

But somehow the lake still seemed to be the same for Minji and Jungkook. Not either one of them said a word but just continued holding each other's hand.

"Jungkook are you happy?" Minji broke the ice, speaking her mind to discard the void of silence.

He tightened his grip on her hand, "I'm happy with you. Every time I'm with you it's as if this relationship isn't wrong. I know I should've broken up with Yeri a long time ago but I just can't afford her hurting you any more. I know this all hurts because you're like my mistress and I know I was at a cross road but I can finally choose who I love."

Jungkook paused to look at the female dressed beautifully in front of him – he chose well, the dress, shoes and mask looked absolutely stunning in her. The soft hues matched well with her dark brown curls.

"I choose you Minji but," his voice began cracking and a single tear trickled down his face. "We really can't be together anymore. Not this way, I can't break you even more than I already have. I'm so sorry Minji, I'm so sorry."

Minji tippy toed and kissed his lips as she pulled his head down. "Come on let's go home."

They walked to Minji's house, once again being silent. They walked pass all the places filled with fond memories of their childhood.

At this point, they were both completely out of it. Their minds were all over the place. Yet somehow all they could was try and find a solution to get out of this but it ranged from bad to worse. There was nothing going to change anyway, all their solutions ended up the same.

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