Chapter 05

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Minji's POV

I sat by the railway, crouching down on the floor and hugging my knees closely to my chest, watching as the clouds went by.

Class was boring as usual but luckily Jungkook wasn't here because he was preparing for a comeback and Yeri called in sick. Yeah sick of being guilty for betraying her best friend.

Jun kept me company during class but I refused to talk to him.

After class all I wanted to do was sit by myself, breathing in the air and watching clouds flying by in the sky. So here I was sitting on the roof top after school.

Everything reminded me of Jungkook, from the way we use to watch clouds by go together to the way to use lean against his chest and inhale his addictive scent. But all those memories were now painful.

They both lied, they've been dating, sucking each other's faces and still let me think that they were single and that I had a chance with Jungkook.

"Can we talk?" A voice croaked.

I looked up and showed my coldest eyes.

"What do you want Kim Yeri? Do you perhaps want to pretend that Jungkook was trying to give you practice CPR? Or maybe you want to say that you were giving him lessons about how to be good in bed?" She stiffened.

Yeri began crying, the tears trickled down her face.

I wanted to laugh and cry, shout her and insult her for making her seem like she's the worst friend in the would.

"When, w-when did you start liking him?"

She wiped away her tears and stepped closer to me. I shuffled further away from her and she stopped, knowing that I don't want her any where near me.

"2 months. He confessed, he kissed me and I realised I love him."

My heart stopped she loved him too.

"Minji, I'm sorry." Her sobs got louder and I just wanted to tell her that it'll be okay, that loving him is okay but I was blinded by anger.

She knew I've been in love with him for so long. How much I loved him. How much I trusted her to let her know that I've actually loved Jungkook since I was young and how much I've been on the sidelines, watching him love her deeper everyday of my stupid life.

"Minji please say something."

What can I say that will change anything.

"Bae Minji I'm sorry."

Are you really?

"Minji believe me."

I don't, not anymore.

"I didn't know I doing anything wrong."

"Shut the fuck up." She froze. That was the first time I ever cursed at anyone. I couldn't help but hate her right.

"Nothing you'll do will ever change the fact you went behind my back and had sex with the boy I'm in love with. I fucking loved him so much and I actually thought you supported me. After all this shit I've been through I have never been this hurt or angry this whole time!" I screamed as she stood there muttering that she was sorry repeatedly.

"Damn it Yeri you always make me seem like the evil step sister but have you ever stopped what you were doing and thought about your ex best friend."

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