Chapter 13

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Despite bumping into a huge amount of people, I didn't look back. Not even once, I was afriad. Afraid of the fact I was in love with such a horrid man.

I'm a masochist aren't I?

He's hurt me countless times yet I keep coming back.

I stopped in the distance, near the convenient store. I puffed up and down, panting heavily with sweat dripping down my face. I crouched down on the pavement, burying my face in between my knees.

The sound of fireworks exploding, died down. The bustling sound of people walking by echoed through my ears.

Keeping my head down, I shut my eyes and silently sighed.

Soon a new cold sensation was brought up to my face. I peeked from the corner of my eye and relief washed over ny face.

"Jun." I called out, a dry scratchy feeling at the back of my throat. I felt like I could break out into tears at anytime, but at the same time I feel like I've cried out all my lifetime supply of tears; I was tired of crying.

Jun sat down next to me, handing me over the cold beverage. He took a seat next to me, clicking open his can of tea.

"Did something happen with Jungkook?"

I nodded and sipped the cold drink. Jun sighed and placed his drink on the side of the pavement, leaned back and supported his weight with his two arms.

He began humming a small tune, I loved his singing voice; it never failed to calm me down in my most stressful and broken moments. The softness of his voice was just reassuring somehow.

The streets were still bustling with people but the majority of them were gone.

Knowing Jungkook didn't even bother chasing after me was a huge sign saying 'get over him and move on'.

"Minji." I stopped my train of thoughts and turned to Jun who had a serious look on his face, "why are you in love with Jungkook?" He continued with a straight and demanding look on his face.

I aligned my thumbs together on the cold copper can and placed it higher into the air.

Why I'm in love with Jungkook?

I rubbed my feet together on the concrete footpath, watching as all the children went by, secret snickers were made by the small group of girls as they looked at my broken, ripped up bag. Being the new kid at elementary school was hard. No one wanted to be your friend.

Being young made me extra shy and awkward; my social skills were on the down side. Both my parents were usually overseas working, coming home only once every fortnight to give me some money and food; fitting in was difficult, especially when a group of girls were constantly pulling sick pranks on me and calling me names like 'ugly' or 'dumb'.

Sitting on the chair, I began drawing a small picture while everyone else played outdoors. Drawing was my only escape from the real world, the imaginative and unrealistic world where anything can happen.

"That's a really cool picture." I flinched as a chill tingled down my back, I twisted my body back and stared at the boy.

His bunny teeth smile and soft white skin that glowed in the light.

He had this peach pin on his jacket and I instantly realised we were in different classes to each other, this was probably why he was unfamiliar. "Can I see it?" He pointed to the neatly drawn tree with a bear underneath it.

I hesitantly passed him the picture with my hand shaking. He grabbed it out of my hand and gleamed.

"Y-you can have it if you like." I stuttered as his face brightened up even more if that was possible. "Really!? Thank you!"

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