Chapter 08

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He stared at me blankly, glints of confusion sparked in his eyes. "Kookie..." I reached out for him but he moved away unconsciously.

Just such a small action made my heart shatter even more.

My eyes flickered. I made a mistake again. We'll never go back to normal; from thee time if was just us. When he didn't hate me and ignore me.

I chuckled bitterly and looked up at him, "you don't have to answer just yet." He looked down, his hair covered his face and he made no sound at all. "But can you do me one favour?" Jungkook tensed up as I grabbed hold of his arm.

"Just consider my feelings. See me as a girl and not as a childhood friend."

I let go and was about to leave but he grabbed my arm, making my heart flutter. My eyes were glassy and I knew I was going to cry again. I wiped my eyes and turned around. "Yes?" He pulled me into his grasp so that my head rested on his chest.

The light on top of us flickered, the whole entire room was silent and the warmth coming from him was warming me up. He wrapped his arms around my torso, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He paused as he tightened his grip around me. "Minji why have you never told me?" I closed my eyes, taking in this unforgettable moment. Everything was surreal, if this was a dream I never ever want to wake up.

Nothing seemed to be functioning properly in my body, my heart was going on overdrive right now and my brain was breaking down. 

"That day you met Yeri was the day I was going to confess." I heard a small sigh escape his lips. "Minji what have you been doing to me lately? You make me want to hate you so much but every time I try, I think about that girl who has always been by my side. I have so many regrets, I'm sorry Minji, I chose her over you. Why do I keep feeling this way?"

I stood there silently, the sound of his beating heart filled the room and my ambition was building up. The corner of my lips was tugging a hopeful smile.

"All I can ever think about is you."

My heart throbbed. He did care about me still.

All those times he pushed me away. He actually still cared for me. 

"But I still like Yeri." I shut my eyes and smiled into his chest. "I know. All I'm asking you to do for me is just to consider me. Just decide if you deep down have a spark of feelings for me. I just want to know if we ever had mutual feelings and could have mutual feelings. You don't need to do anything else, just think and let me know. That's all I want you to do."

Jungkook let me go and pat my head. I felt guilty; I forced Jungkook into a crossroads. And he either had to choose Yeri or me.

He's definitely leaning towards Yeri right now but I need to show him me as well. I can't lose him again; not when he finally understands.

I stepped back away from him and gave a small smile, tilting my head to the side. Jungkook chuckled and messed up my hair.

I tugged on the hem of his shirt, "Jungkook! Jungkook!" I repeated as he hummed, smiling as I acted like a child.

"Jungkook I love you." His cheeks flushed, they were tinted pink. I grinned as he covered his face away from mine.

"Shut up. I know you do."


When the sun rose the next day, I was already awake.

All the memories from yesterday was still sinking in my head. Jungkook was actually considering me for the first time. I have a chance to be with him.

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