Dancing the night away ||polin and everyone

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Aggie wore a silk pink dress with white flowers her brown curls done up in a bun a pink crown sitting on her head Aggie hugged Penelope "oh mama this dress is gorgeous" pen smiled she made sure her daughter never wore yellow or orange "I knew the color suited you" Colin appeared in the doorway "are you ready?" "Yes papa" "you look quite lovely Aggie" Aggie smiled happily "thank you papa" Colin stepped out of the way as Aggie walked out of the room Colin turned to Penelope she wore a light blue gown with a blue crown "my beautiful wife" Colin whispered wrapping his arms around her "colin" "hm?" "I love you" "I love you too" he kissed her head and held out his arm she gladly took it and they walked out of the room
Colin spun pen across the dance floor the song ended and they bowed to one another Violet had stolen Aggie to go play match maker with lady Danbury so Colin took pen by the arm to his older siblings Benedict also walked over Sophie on his arm Anthony and Kate were mid conversation with Daphne and Simon Daphne spotted Penelope and rushed over oh pen you look absolutely stunning so do you pen said Daph took her arm form Simon's linked her other arm in Kate's who linked hers with Sophie's and they all strutted off about the ballroom to find lady Danbury"Did you hear about lord dandaforth?" Colin asked while sipping a glass of lemonade "no" Benedict raised an eyebrow "what" "well I heard he snuck into a closet earlier with miss edgecume they got caught by some maid Colin sipped his drink and practically chocked as miss edgecume who was beet red in the face walked past with her mother who glared at the four men Anthony snorted and Simon tried hard not to laugh "well I didn't think I was that loud" "you are quite loud brother" Anthony said Benedict sipped his lemonade that Sophie had handed him earlier to hold for her the girls appeared again "ah wife" Simon said holding out his arm for daph Colin practically pulled pen into his arms Sophie stopped walking "Ben is that my lemonade?" "Ben?" Six voices coursed at once Benedict blinked "what should she not call me that" "well it's a bit-" "Colin you call Penelope pen so I don't think you have a say in this" "that's fair" Violet appeared and they all turned to her Agatha is dancing with lord cursting he's a fine young fellow Colin nodded Charlotte appeared at her mother side her dress was a paler pink dress then her mother's "char are you alright?" "My dance card is full and my heels are digging into my feet Kate laughed a little "that's your child" Anthony said hyacinth and Gareth finished their dance and joined Colin and Penelope at the lemonade table.
"god these heels hurt"
"you should have gone with the other ones"
"but those ones did not match my gown"
"then why are you complaining?"
"because they hurt my feet"hyacinth snapped back at him.
"good god wife you act as if you have never worn heels in your life"
"when you wear heels for this long then you can make your point but you cannot so ha!" Hyacinth practically jumped into the air but no one was paying attention to notice.
"where is Gregory this evening?"Colin asked stifling a laugh
"he has so many children that man he cannot escape his house" hyacinth said gleefully "serves him right".
"what can you mean by that?" Eloise asked as the rest of the bridgerton family walked over.
"he cheated at pal mal last we played i should think that a good punishment"
"dear sister you cheated" Benedict said grabbing another lemonade and handing it to Sophie they bickered quietly through the evening while Violet ran around with lady Danbury setting their children up with eligible suitors
"Wife do you care for a lemonade"
"Simon I'm fine"
"You look quite pale"
Daphne gave her husband dagger eyes
"Sorry dearest"
Anthony stood next to his mother Kate in his arm
"Kate, do you think Charlotte would like to dance with lord denning? He asked earlier and-" "lord denning" Anthony scoffed "he is a dandy" Kate shoved him in the side "if she wishes" Violet clapped happily "I quite enjoy this even though you all were so very tiring to get married off" 7 head turned and stared at her "what it's true" Penelope I don't know why you are laughing she tried to get you married off as well"Anthony said angrily "colin control your wife" Colin snorted he bent down and kissed her on the lips and smiled cheekily Anthony gurgled something and Kate raised an eyebrow "what was that?" "Nothing darling" Benedict kissed Sophie's head held out his hand and they walked to the dance floor everyone else followed then began the last dance of the evening.

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