Family and sleep||polin

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That night as Colin lay there, naked in his bed, cradling pen in his embrace, he was so glad she was his.
"Are you well?"
"Yes darling why do you ask"
"You've been awfully quiet"
"I'm sorry my darling my mind has been somewhere else this evening"
"Is everything well?"
There was a knock on the door and Colin grumbled something lifted the sheet and grabbed the shirt he was wearing earlier off the floor.
Pen covered her bare chest with the sheet as colin unlocked the door he spoke to someone for a minute and shut the door
"Who was that?"
"The nanny,the children are all in bed"
"It is a bit late but I'm sure Agatha stayed up writing"
"Yes exactly that"
"They are to old for a nanny are they not"
"Yes I suppose so"
Colin yanked off the shirt threw it back on the floor and collapsed onto their bed. He propped himself up his elbows his legs hanging off the side of the bed.
"Remove the sheet I like looking at you"
She obliged letting the sheet fall to the side
He stared at her for a moment 21 years they had been married they had known each other for much longer and he still felt like this like a giddy school boy as he looked at his wife beautiful and perfect,a smile spread across his face
"What?" Pen giggled
"Just thinking"
His fingers skimmed along the sensitive skin at the outside edge of her breast, first teasing her with his fingernails, then stroking her more gently as his fingertips returned to their original position near her collarbone.
"What about me?" Penelope ran her fingers through his hair.
"How beautiful you really are" Colin whispered planting a small kiss on the edge of her lips
He kissed her again harder this time
"I was talking with Thomas today"
Colin kissed her neck gently
"Thomas was telling me how wonderful a mother you are"
A smile spread across pens face
"Oh did he really"
"Oh yes"
Colin kissed her softly and pulled away so his head very slightly from hers until the tips of their noses touched and she could see his eyes,
"Do not tell the others but he is my favorite"
"Oh do not worry Janie is my favorite"
"Agatha has always been able to care for herself"
"And Georgie is still little"
"They are all little Colin"
"Yes but we do not truly know him yet"
"Oh but he acts more and more like his uncle Gregory every day"
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"
"Honestly I do not know" pen giggled and Colin laughed into her shoulder.
Penelope yawned softly.
"are you tired?"
"A bit yes"
"it is so very late at night though"
"Yes I'm aware shall we perhaps get some rest bite"
"yes we should"
Colin say up and lay down under the sheets his head resting on the pillow he wrapped his arm around pen as she lay on his chest.
"Good night my darling"
"Good night Colin"
And the two fell asleep.

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