I love your penelope bridgerton||polin

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Colin's carriage pulled up to their estate the carriage came to a halt and Colin stepped out his butler was standing outside of the large door on the stone pathway.
"ah lord bridgerton so glad you have arrived home"
"Wilkins I'm certainly glad I'm home" Colin stepped inside and looked around the entry hall was practically empty he made his way up the staircase.
Penelope was sitting on her bed her knees pulled to her chest. She wanted to fling herself into Colin's arms, and at the same time, she could barely bring herself to turn around.
"Penelope?" He sounded concerned now, his footsteps increasing in speed as he crossed the room. He sat next to her and touched her cheek. She turned and saw his face, the corners of his eyes crinkled with worry, his lips, slightly parted as they murmured her name.And that was when she finally allowed herself to cry.Funny how she could hold herself together, keep it all inside until she saw him. But now that he was here, all she could do was bury her face in the warmth of his chest, snuggle closer as his arms wrapped around her. As if somehow he could make all her problems go away by his presence alone.
"Penelope?" he asked, his voice soft and worried. "What happened?
"What's wrong?"
Penelope just shook her head, the motion having to suffice until she could think of the words, summon the courage, stop the tears.
"What is wrong dearest?"
"Oh, Colin," she said, somehow summoning the energy to pull herself far enough back so that she could see his face. "It's Georgie."
His skin went white. "What has happened to Georgie ?"
Penelope sniffled, wiping her nose with the back of her hand. "He's almost three and he still won't talk," she whispered.
He handed her a handkerchief without ever taking his eyes off of her face.
"I know I'm sorry my dear," he said.
Her lips slid into a sad smile.
Colin kissed her softly
"We can go see Daphne in the morning is that alright?"
She nodded as Colin wiped a tear from her cheek and nuzzled his head into her neck
There was a nock on their door and they both looked up Aggie poked her head in.
"mama? Why are you crying"
"just Georgie".Penelope opened her arms and Aggie ran to her jumped up on the bed and sat beside her.
"what's wrong with Georgie?"
"Georgie can't talk" Colin said squeezing pens hand.
"oh but he can read"
"He can read mama I'm sure of it"
"I suppose" Colin said thinking for a moment
"I mean it's possible"
"Oh he can!"
"We shall see" Colin said ruffling her curls
Colin and Penelope adored Aggie's curls they were a darker red then Penelope's they sat in dark perfect ringlets on her shoulders. Thomas appeared in the doorway "dadda" Colin looked up "what's wrong with mama?" Aggie poked her head out from beside her mother "Georgie can't talk" Thomas ran to his father and Colin lifted him into his arms Jane appeared in the doorway "daddy?"
"Yes Janey?"
"What's wrong with mama?" Colin sighed and looked at pen who stifled a laugh
"Georgie can't talk"
"oh but he can read" Thomas said
"I said that Tommy!" Jane
"Guys don't fight"
Penelope wiped her tears and put her head to aggies who snuggled closer to her mother the nanny came rushing in
"children! You shouldn't have disturbed your parents"
"it's alright"Colin said kissing Janes head the nanny gave a disapproving look and Colin looked at pen.
"children go with nanny" Penelope said the each kissed Penelope's cheek hugged Colin and ran out of the room the nanny shut the door and Colin stood up kissing pens head.
"I love you Penelope bridgerton we will figure this out"
"thank you Colin I love you"
"sleep now you look exhausted"pen curled up under the sheets and Colin stripped down to nothing and climbed in beside her.
"I love you Penelope bridgerton I always Will "
"I love you Colin" Colin kissed her head and they drifted off to sleep.

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