Children craziness||kanthony

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Charlotte spun around the drawing room singing
"La la la la la"
"Charlotte stop that"
"But daddy"
Anthony looked over at his daughter from where he was seated on the sofa
"Charlotte listen to your father" Kate said from her spot on the floor where she was playing marbles with Mary
"Alright mummy" she sat down in Anthony's lap
"I'm sorry daddy"
"it's quite alright charlotte"
There was a loud noise from above them and a blood curdling scream Kate's face went white and she stood up running out into the hallway and up the stairs to the bedchambers Edmund's room was open Kate rushed in to the doorway staring down at her 17 and 15 year old sons who stared back at her.
"What has happened?"
The boys said nothing
Kate scanned the room nothing was out of the ordinary
"Miles screamed" Edmund said as if that would clear the matter up
"Why did miles scream?"
"Because I scared him"
"And why exactly did you scare your brother?"
"I thought it was a good idea"
"And was it?"
"Was it what?" Miles asked
"A good idea"Kate said through her teeth
"Oh yes a splendid one" miles said nodding his head slightly
"No it was not a good idea you frightened me"
"Oh I'm sorry mama" Edmund said looking down at the floor
"Edmund you are 17 why must you set a bad example for your brother"
"I did not mean to"
Anthony appeared behind Kate Mary on his hip charlotte following behind
"Boys what have you done"
"I scared miles" Edmund said
"And what did you think that would accomplish exactly?"
"I do not know exactly"
Kate looked at Anthony who was turning slightly red with anger Kate entwined her hands in his he turned and looked at her
"Dear calm down"
"I am trying"
"He is just a child"
"I did not say Anything"
"Anthony we have been married 18 years I know very well when you are angry"
"Very well I am angry but nevertheless it was a harmful jest but it will not happen ever again do you hear me?"
There was silence.
"Do you understand me?" Anthony said louder this time
"Yes father" coursed the boys
"Yes daddy" charlotte said clinging to Kate's leg
"Charlotte you did not need respond i did not ask you"
"I know" Charlotte said, smiling up at him "May we go play now daddy?"
"Yes darling give me a second alright"
"Alright" charlotte ran out of the room and down the hallway
Anthony turned
"Uncle Benedict will be here in a half hour to practice fencing. You must be dressed and ready by the time he arrives with your cousins.
Anthony took Kate's hand and led her out into the hallway they paused outside their bedchamber. Anthony turned to face her placing Mary on the ground "go play darling" she ran toward the staircase.
"I did not mean to lose my temper"
"It is alright"
"He is seventeen he should know better"
Kate sighed
"He is but a child Anthony"
"I'm well aware but he needs to learn"
"i suppose yes"
"So you agree with me"
"I never said I agreed with you"
"You said I was right"
"I most certainly said no such thing"
"I believe you did"
"I could never agree with you"
"I love you Kathani Bridgerton"
"I love you more"
He kissed her deeply on her lips."Anthony"Kate melted into him Antony lifted Kate and wrapped her legs around his waist she shook her hair back and held his face in her hands. "I'm so lucky" "so am I darling" she kissed him softly and he bent them forward slightly wrapping his arms around her waist.
"If you two are done with whatever that is"
They broke apart and turned
Benedict stood at the top of the stairs Kate still rested on Anthony's hips his arms around her back miles walked out wearing his fencing outfit and carrying his equipment he looked up at his parents as this had been a recurring thing in his house hold he didn't say anything just walked down the staircase passed Benedict.

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