Pregnancy? (Everyone and polin)

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Penelope woke up feeling sick again so she sadly parted ways with last nights supper and made her way down to the breakfast room it was empty expect for a butler who noticed her and walked forward "Mrs bridgerton your husband chose to break his fast in the garden will you be joining him?" "Yes I shall thank you" he bowed and lead the way she found her husband with his legs propped up on the table reading a book his breakfast inches away from his feet.
He turned "ah pen"
"Your mother and your siblings are coming soon"
"They are your family too" he set his feet on the floor and motioned for her to sit in down.
"Colin there are no chairs" a cheeky grin spread across his face.
"where are all the chairs? Colin!" He pulled her forward and she sat down in his lap.
"Penelope bridgerton you look wonderful in every colorp but especially beautiful in bridgerton blue" Penelope smiled as he nuzzled his head into her neck and kissed it softly .
"well you two look cozy" they both turned Benedict stood there Sophie on his arm William,Charles and Alexander standing behind them Penelope turned bright red but Colin wrapped his arms tighter around her "ah brother when did you arrive" a butler pulled a chair out of nowhere and placed it next to Colin Benedict sat down Violet clung to her mother but as soon as Benedict sat down Violet ran to him he picked her up and placed her in his lap "go play children" Sophie said motioning them to walk forward
Agatha Thomas Jane ran out with the nanny "thank you Mrs Alston" Penelope said scooping Jane into her arms."Charlotte! Do not dirty your gown!" Anthony yelled as Charlotte ran into the yard Edmund and miles following behind "Anthony let the child play" Kate said hosting Mary higher on her hip "she will end up dirty" Anthony huffed "it is but a dress Anthony" "a lady shouldn't-" "she is a child Anthony let her play" "very well" "still up tight as always" Franchesca said  kissing Anthony quickly on the cheek "I love him anyway" Kate said kissing Anthony softly on the lips "how we all put up with him is a wonder indeed" Daphne said appearing from behind Anthony Anthony took Kate's arm and they moved forward off the patio and on the grass to reveal the rest of the Bridgertons and their partners.
Franchesca spotted Colin and ran forward to her favorite brother "Fran!"
"Oh how is Scotland I'm sorry I found no time to stop by"
" well it is wonderful and you have so many children It's quite alright Colin" the two embraced and when they pulled away Fran immediately ran to Penelope who passed Jane to Colin and hugged Fran.
"oh how I've missed you pen"
"Fran I missed you" Fran turned
"And Jane! Oh how you've grown!"
"Auntie fran!" Agatha ran to her favorite aunt and Fran picked her up and spun her
"Oh you're turning more into a lady by the day!"
She set Agatha on the ground and Thomas ran to her and she hugged him tightly "uncle Michael!"  Michel picked Agatha up and spun her around just like Fran had done he lifted her onto his hip "children move forward" Violet bridgerton said shoving her children forward they all spilled out into the gardens Penelope Eloise and Franchesca ran to a bench by the roses to talk.
"Fran el I have something to tell you"
the two girls turned.
"pen what's wrong?"
"Your very pale"
"Is everything all right?"
"I'm pregnant"
"Oh my god!"
"Does colin know?"
"Not yet but I will tell him today"
"I'm so happy for you!"
"Fran I'm sorry"
"I have two wonderful children who I adore it's alright pen"
Fran squeezed pens hand "this is wonderful news!"
There were several exited screams making everyone look over "what are they talking about?" Colin wondered aloud "I don't know she's your wife you go ask" Anthony said annoyed "Anthony stop" Kate said elbowing him in the ribs
"I'll ask later"
"Soph you want your shawl? There's a small breeze"
"Would you please I'm quite chilly"
Benedict wrapped the shawl around Sophie's arms then wrapped his arms around her kissing her softly
"Daddy daddy!" Violet ran over Benedict bent down and picked her up and spun her
"Daddy can I have a biscuit?"
"Well it's nearly tea time but if your mama says it's okay"
"You can have a biscuit darling" Sophie said fixing the ribbon in violets hair
Penelope Fran and Eloise made there way back up to the patio
He stopped spinning Jane dropped her on the ground where she ran off to Aggie he immediately ran to pens side
"what's wrong dearest?"
"I wish to retire upstairs"
"Are you well?"
"Yes"pen gasped out trying not to throw up
The two walked inside and up the staircase to their bedchamber "pen are you sure you look quite pale"
"I'm fine just tired"at that moment,her  stomach  did  a  nasty  flip, followed by the oddest sort of squeeze, and then.
she made it to the washroom just in time to reach the chamber pot.
"Oh dear God"Colin said
Colin ran after his wife and held her hair back
she collapsed to the floor  and Colin nelt down next to her
"What did you eat? Did you have fish? We haven't had fish that's odd I wonder what-"
"I'm pregnant Colin"
"You're pregnant oh pen!"
He hugged her and kissed her head
"We must not get our hopes up though with what happened with the last"
"Right of course but I have a feeling"
"A feeling" pen scoffed
"What do you not trust me?" Colin whispered
"I did not say that" pen giggled
"It was implied my love"
Pen shook her head while laughing
"Do you want me to stay with you or do you wish to join the family?"
"Can you just hold me in your arms "
"Pen I will hold you in my arms"
He sat down on the floor and pen sat down in front of him "another baby" .." 4 children pen" Colin whispered pen paced a hand on her flat stomach.
"oh I hate being pregnant my ankles get all puffy"
"I think you look beautiful no matter what"
"Colin you truly are a remarkable husband"
"I'm glad you think so"
"Where did those two go off to" Anthony wondered aloud
"they went up to their bedchamber" Eloise said
"pen felt quite ill Georgina stop that!"  Her youngest daughter turned.
  "mama it was Penelope she tried to take my ribbon!"
"Your sister did no such thing I assure you" Phillip said hoisting his three year old son higher on his hip Amanda picked up her sister and kissed her sore hand
"Georgina you shouldn't slap people!" Oliver yelled Michael and Fran sat down at a table holding their children in their laps.
"auntie Fran may I hold Janet?" Belinda asked "of course you can!"  Fran passed Janet to Belinda "be careful now" Daphne warned as Belinda held Janet Gregory smiled to himself  as Caroline and Amelia cooed over Katherine.
"girls be careful now"
"yes uncle Gregory" David and Edmund ran circles around Simon
"you can't catch me!" David yelled
"ha! I beg to differ" Michel picked Charlotte up and spun her around.
"Michael! Put my daughter down!"
"Oh Anthony calm down its alright " Kate said walking off to feed Mary Lucy following her with Richard in her arms.
"no no you can't leave without a kiss" Gregory said jumping to his feet and running after Lucy "Greg your son is hungry"
"tish tosh" he kissed her softly on the lips "brother let the women free!" Hyacinth said "Issabella get back here"her four year old daughter ran forward
"I got her"Sophie said scooping the child into her arms
"Izzy oh how you've grown! How old are you now?"She pretend to think
"No I'm 4" Issabella yelled giggling
"why you're practically a lady!"
"Thank you" hyacinth mouthed as Gareth hooked his arm in hyacinths and they sat down. Colin and pen made their way back down the stairs and out into the garden
"are you feeling better?" Sophie asked
"yes much better thank you"Penelope said Colin smiled down at her.
"shall we tell them?" Pen whispered
"I want this to be just the two of us for a while anyway"
"I'm fine with that" pen whispered Colin pulled pen into his arms and kissed her softly
Kate stood up from Anthony's lap and squeezed pens hand "I'm glad you know you are feeling better" "what was the matter?" "Just a bit ill i am afraid" "we shall have to move the dinner till newt week " Colin said "whatever it is if she is caught something we wouldn't want the children to get it" "I agree" Benedict said scooping his daughter into his arms they all left that evening after saying goodbye to Penelope and Colin
Once everyone had gone home with the children tucked in bed Colin and Penelope were getting ready for their bed pen picked up a night gown "pen do not wear a night gown tonight i want you in my arms without the frills and lace in the way" "Colin" "you are perfect to me pen" she smiled at him from where he was seated naked on the bed she undid her hair and let her red curls flow down her back she got up on the bed and Colin moved closer to her Colin rested his head on pens belly as she stroked his hair "our little angel you will be perfect I'm sure of it" "Colin are you happy about the baby" "of course pen of course I am happy" "this is what you wanted?" "Pen I will love whatever happens as long as it's with you"
he looked up at her the smile that she adored that she had fallen in love with so many years ago and her heart melted.
"what?" "This is unreal"
"what? The baby?"
"No well I suppose yes"
"I'm confused"
"I'm yours Colin"
"I am aware" he sat up
"we have children and we are going to have another"
"pen are you well?"
"I dreamt of this"
"pen this doesn't usually happen when your pregnant are you well-"
"I love you Colin"
"I love you too pen I'm just confused"
"I'm just emotional"
"Pen your always emotional"
Penelope hit him with her pillow
"I'm just grateful you picked me Colin"
"Pen I'm never leaving you know that right?"
"I know"
Colin pulled pen closer and kissed her head "I want to fall asleep like this" Colin whispered resting his head on her head.
"good night Colin"
"good night pen".
They two lay together slowly falling asleep.
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