Smythe smith concert

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Lady Danbury appeared behind Penelope
"Lady Bridgerton the front seat?"
Penelope turned "yes as always we are good kind people who should show support"
Gareth appeared behind lady Danbury with hyacinth on his arm.Hyacinth looked at her sister in law "one would think that but I am contemplating leaving"
"And where is your husband this evening?" Lady Danbury asked Penelope as she sat down
"I'm guessing he somehow was able to weasel his way out of being here I'm now regretting I didn't come up with a good enough excuse " hyacinth said grumpily slouching down in her seat only to be elbowed by Gareth
"well,yes I suppose-"
"you suppose what?" Colin said and they all turned.
"Lord Bridgerton"
"I thought you-"
"I managed to run from Anthony, we shall see how long it takes him to find me" he plopped down in a seat next to Penelope in their booth.
"Those poor girls," Pen whispered as they all stared at the 4 young girls on the stage.
"I don't feel bad in the slightest if it was me I would just say no"
"my love we both know they don't have a choice in the matter but I too despise this dreaded concert"
"I think we all despise it" Colin said pulling a sandwich from his pocket and biting into it  "Colin there's a butler right there" she motioned to the butler standing behind him against the wall
"Ah right!" He motioned for the butler
"Colin, how can you eat right now" hyacinth said but Penelope took a sandwich from him and ate it in two bites and took another sandwich.
"This baby is so very hungry and I'm already so very big"
"You are glowing and I think you look very pretty as always" Colin said
Penelope rested her head on Colin's shoulder as he put his arm around her And played with a red curl resting on her shoulder
"I'm glad you final realized what a catch this one is" lady Danbury said poking Colin with her cane
"I don't know why it took me so long"
"We were friends " Penelope said giggling "took him a while to see me as anything else"
"And how dumb of him to think you were just friends" lady Danbury said poking him in the leg
"Lady Danbury, would you stop that!"
"The smythe-smith musicale is so very boring" Eloise said plopping down in the seat next to her brother "sister could you be any louder I doubt the entire room heard you" Benedict said taking Sophie's shawl as she sat down "Eloise!" "What you have known me for how long Penelope you should know how much I hate these things" "we al hate these things sister that doesn't mean we announce it!" "Tell that to hyacinth" Eloise said back motioning to hyacinth who was grumpily whispering stuff to Gareth Penelope caught the words boring, old, useless, long, and awful "well I think you about got everything there hyacinth" "I believe I shall be deaf by the time this is over" Eloise added ignoring Penelope's long sigh of hopeless Phillip appeared with a glass of lemonade "Eloise" "dear I know you don't want to be here but it's not like we have a choice" everyone turned Simon walked towards them with Daphne on his arm Anthony and Kate behind them
"Brother I did not think you were coming to the concert"
"Kate forced me now shall we continue our conversation"
"Very well brother"
"Daph do you not think we should return to the babies?"
"They are quite fine with their nanny besides they are asleep" they all sat down Colin was eating sandwiches beside Penelope Benedict kissed Sophie's head and was whispering stuff to her in Latin,Daphne was practically in Simon's lap not that anyone had the nerve to say anything about it,hyacinth was whispering angrily to Gareth but her voice got louder as she talked clearly unable to hide her fury about being forced to listen to the dreaded concert,Eloise and Phillip were deep in conversation about Amanda their eldest daughter ,Kate and Anthony had their heads together hands entwined Anthony rubbing Kate's thigh softly Colin had now given up on the sandwiches after he had eaten all of them and his hands were on top of Penelope's over her big belly whispering stuff in her ear making her giggle. They all heard the dreaded clapping meaning the concert was about to begin

They all stood up to clap as the girls bowed "well that was worse than last year"gareth said sneaking his hand around hyacinths waist "they always are" hyacinth said Colin looked down at his wife.
"pen,sit down you shouldn't be standing this long in your state"
"I'm pregnant Col not dying" but she sat down anyway
"Lady Bridgerton I would not think you would be one to take orders"
"He worries for me" pen said rubbing her belly "worried Colin isn't a happy Colin"
Colin nodded and smiled "she gets me" he kissed her head and grabbed a macaroon from a platter "where did you get a macaroon!" Eloise yelled Phillip just shook his head while laughing at his wife as people turned to look at them Anthony helped Kate to her feet kissed her hand and lead her out of the isle Simon and Daphne lead the way outside to the street when everyone was outside Colin turned to Anthony "are you always attached at the hip?"he motioned at Anthony and Kate who were holding hands with no space in between them "should we not be?" "You are the one who constantly talks about your wife" Penelope beamed "should one not talk about one's wife?" Sophie asked raising her eyebrow at Benedict "my love I talk about you constantly"
"Mhm sure" Sophie linked her arms in pens "viscount,viscountess,your graces, lady Danbury ,lord bridgerton and they walked slowly down the path Colin and Benedict running after them they all walked home that evening hyacinth complaining to Gareth and lady Danbury. Kate and Anthony snuggled up in their carriage. Daphne and Simon went straight home to their children. Sophie and Benedict had a long trip back to my cottage that they didn't want to take at night so they stayed with Anthony and Kate.
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