Off to promenade(kanthony)part 1

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Anthony walked into the parlor room his wife was seated at the closet end on the couch Charlotte their oldest daughter was playing the pianoforte Kate singing to Mary as Charlotte played
"that sounds lovely char" Anthony said "Daddy!!"
Charlotte spun around and ran at Anthony who picked her up twirled her around and Charlotte being only 10 and barley the height hyacinth was at the age was balanced on his hip as she giggled playing with the top of his hair
Kate held a bubbly toddler in her arms he walked over to them
"where are Edmund and miles?" Anthony asked
"With their Latin tutor"
"ah right should I have assumed as much" he bent down and kissed Kate softly
"and how is my viscountess this morning?" He whispered their faces barely inches apart
"Tried but well"
At that moment their was a pounding of feet up the stairs Anthony placed Charlotte down on the floor out of the way so she wouldn't get trampled on as the boys burst in
"Boys what have I told you about running up the stairs?" Kate said raising her eyebrow
"Oh sorry mama"
"We had forgotten"
"It is quite alright" Kate said her eyebrow lowering Anthony smiled approvingly at Kate
"Boys listen to your mother "
"Father"Edmund yelled
"Daddy!!" Miles jumped at Anthony who he lifted off the ground and threw over his shoulder which made the boy laugh.
"You are so strong"Edmund said
"you are only one and six son I can still lift you as well"
Kate stood up Mary on her hip Charlotte holding her hand
Anthony set miles on the floor
Kate turned to Anthony
"Your mother wishes we promenade with her and the rest of your siblings before tea time"
"Uh right" Anthony said
"Boys go get ready" Kate said
Miles and Edmund ran out of the room Charlotte following her older brothers in every way she could ran after them
Anthony walked over to Kate
"I will see you in a bit my love" he pulled Kate to him and she kissed him softly "in a bit" she reluctantly pulled away as Charlotte giggled suspiciously down the hallway Kate ran after her
Kate walked to the nursery with Charlotte and Mary
"Okay I will change Mary's nappy and you go pick a dress you would like to wear"
Charlotte ran to her room that was connected to the nursery
The nanny appeared in the door way
"I can do that for you my lady"
"No they are my own children I am completely capable do you not agree?"
"Oh yes I'm sorry my lady"
"It's quite alright"
After Kate had changed Mary's nappy and dressed her in a pastel pink dress Charlotte ran in wearing a pastel pink dress in a similar color to Mary's but much darker
"Let's go promenade shall we?"
"We shall!" Charlotte said
(Shall be continued with all couples)

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