Tea time ||polin

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Colin sat at his desk in his study his family portrait resting on the wall beside his desk that Benedict had painted of them when George was only a few months old Colin was deep in thought organizing their shares
Colin looked up "ah pen" he looked around
"Great Scott What time is it?"
"Around tea time"
"Uh right okay"
"Do you wish to join us?"
"Always I just have to finish this"
Colin motioned for pen to come sit
"Where!" The only fault surface was his lap a cheeky smile spread across his face "Colin!" She looked over at the front of his breeches and he let out a bark of laughter "Colin!" She said again his smile grew bigger "just come sit" and she sat down in his lap He got a wif of her hair lavender, gosh he loved the smell of lavender.Penelope always smelt like lavender which is why he loved it so much,he practically melted into the chair
"God you smell amazing"
"This is what I always smell like"
"I'm aware and I love it"
He brushed his hand against her cheek
"your so beautiful Penelope bridgerton"
"Col I thought you had work to be done"
"Yes but now I have you and god I don't want to do work with you in my arms pen"
"I can leave? Would that be easier?"
"God no never leave my side"
"You are so dramatic col-" but she couldn't finish her sentence because he kissed he always kissed her whenever he could every second they were alone any second they were with their family's where no one would judge but this was different it was desperation, hunger, need all in on her arms wrapping around his neck Penelope could feel the smile spread across his face her fingers trailed up his neck into his hair she moaned as he nibbled the bottom of her lip his tongue wait patiently at the entrance to her lips she didn't open her mouth and he made a pleading noise she moaned as his tongue slipped inside her mouth it was a battle for dominance and he soon won her hand slipped up his shirt across his toned chest pen parted her lips under his Colin whimpered at the first stroke of her tongue his hand flexing her waist pulling her closer gripping Penelope tighter as he sunk into the kisses Colin ran his fingers through her hair god he loved her hair the bouncy red curls that outlined the side of her face how they swayed down her shoulder he loved everything about her Penelope could feel Colin smile and she melted into the chair as he kissed her
"you are mine"
he whispered between kisses
"What our children doing?"
"The nanny has them"
"Good god I want you"
He kissed her all over he moved her leg over so he was straddling her in his lap Her hands ran down his chest across his abs he kissed every inch of her biting the skin around her ear he slipped the fabric of her dress up around her hips her skin felt like silk his fingers pressing against her bottom as he slid the fabric under her she was cradled in his embrace he lifted her off him so her back was to the chair
Their was a knock on the door
"my lord"
Colin groaned "yes?"
"Your children are asking for you"
"Lady bridgerton?"
Penelope giggled into Colin's arm
"Your children are-"
"Right I'm aware"
Penelope fixed her dress and Colin planted a kiss on her head
"come on let's go"
Colin and pen left Colin's study and walked up to the parlor room where their children were sitting with their nanny
Thomas ran to pen and hugged her tight Agatha jumped at Colin who picked her up and threw her over his shoulder Jane hugged Penelope
"Ready for tea?"
"Yes mama".

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