{Two} 🩵The frighteningly confusing first week🩵

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"I feel warm, too warm." Hailey thought as she woke up. She more of opened her eyes and saw that Jake was basically cuddling her in his sleep, he was slightly drooling. She felt her face heat up upon realizing how close she was to him. Then she remembered he had class. "Great." She thought as she didn't want him to leave. "Jake get up."

She mumbled shaking him gently as she got out of the hug. "Five more minuets mom." Jake turned away as she checked the time. Half an hour till his class starts, this boy won't get up. Unless...

Hailey concentrated and muttered under her breath hovering her hand above his head. Water poured down onto him instantly waking the sleeping boy up.

"Gah! Hailey!" He wined, his hair dripping as he sat up. She rolled her eyes,

"Your class starts in 30 minuets-".

"30 minuets!? I gotta go bye Hailey!" He said quickly getting up and running to his dorm to get ready. She smiled in amusement watching him leave in a hurry before going to get ready for the day herself, she was planning on meeting up with Milly and Sean to possibly hang out.


"Must you always be this unorganized?" Zander sighed as the three walked to class.

Jake had nervously laughed, "Sorry, sorry. I woke up late, Hailey got me up just in time."

Luke smiled at the two, "So you spent the night over there?"

"Was I back at the dorm last night or this morning?" Jake asked with a hint of sarcasm.

"I guess not, Zander left about two hours after you went over to her dorm." Luke said changing the subject.

Zander nodded before shaking slightly, "Yeah, next time I'm staying the night. That kid is creepy."

The trio had walked down the halls for about 15 minuets before nearing Zanders class. "Okay here's my stop, wish me luck with Drew and Zoey." Zander had grumbled.

"Good luck hun, let's hurry up Jake. We've only got five minutes." Luke said as they waved to Zander who entered his class.


"Oh welcome, just in time boys." The head mistress smiled at the two that had just entered.

"Good morning professor Rosy." Luke beamed as him and Jake sat down.

Class had carried on, today was just introduction and a few review spells from last year. They weren't required to use wands in this as it was a division class. Jake and Luke had easily practiced the review spells as they used many of the luminescence ones over the summer such as summoning an orb of light. The class was mainly just talking about ranks and how it would be decided. Class lasted for hours until it finally ended, Jake and Luke left smiling and laughing with each other. Rosy frowned and watched the duo leave she whispered to herself, "That one. I can feel it. But there's so little time."


"Hey Zander, wanna go get lunch with us? I know the rest of the group probably is at the cafe." Jake asked as Luke took Zander's hand.

"Sure simp, let's get going." The purple haired boy smiled for once.

Jake rolled his eyes as they began walking, soon the group arrived and they saw 3 of their other friends. "Hey guys!" Milly excitedly yelled hugging all three of them. Sean let out a light hearted chuckle while Hailey gave a warm smile.

"Hey Mills, ya'll doing alright?" Luke asked looking around.

"Yeah, I was at the library while you guys were in class. Just trying to be ready for tomorrow." Hailey said was they all sat down.

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