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"Huh?" Jake mumbled rubbing his eyes, he looked around and saw puffy clouds. Once he fully woke up he felt numb. I guess I'm dead, he thought to himself.

"Hello Jake." A voice spoke, Jake looked up and his eyes widened.



"It's been two weeks Hailey. You have to come out eventually." Zander sighed, they all had come to her dorm. She doesn't attend classes or come hang out with them at all.

The group got no response, so Milly opened the door and frowned. Hailey was looking at old pictures of her and Jake. Again. "Having trouble moving on?"

Hailey looked over at the group of 6, "Yeah, I just. Miss him. A lot." She sniffed burying her head back into a pillow.

"Hailey he was your best friend, of course you're upset and miss him. We all will, but he wouldn't just want you wasting away." Daisy sighed sitting next to her. Milly joined her as the boys decided to just go to Lukes dorm.

The three sat in silence before Milly began, "Hails-."

"Stop, you guys can't just expect me to be okay. I lost my best friend and the person I loved the most." Hailey said bitterly.

"Just come on, Jake wouldn't want you wasting away. Let's just go to the cafe and freshen up a little bit okay? We can talk about the reports we have to write for Rosy." Daisy said getting up. Hailey sighed knowing she wasn't getting out of this.


"Wait so you met mom when you were like 10?" Jake asked.

Felix chuckled, "Yeah, we had you when I was 20. Your brother 4 years later, but I got whisked off."

"How long did you know Rosy?" He questioned, Felix smiled fondly,

"Since she was 15, very powerful. I saw her like a younger sister. What is she now 28, 27?"

Now Jake was curious, "Oh, so she was still a student?"

"Yes, yes boy. A first term in fact." He answered while looking at him. "She's grown quite attached to you, I suppose it's cause you remind her of me."

"Oh, I wish I could see her and all my friends again." Jake glumly stated, he felt tears prick his eyes.

Felix let out a small laugh, "I know, you miss your girlfriend the most I assume?"

"H-huh? Oh, Hailey. We never officially dated, just knew we loved each other. I'd do anything to see her again." He said looking up at his father while giving a small smile.

"We didn't talk exactly about where we were Jake."


"How's your writing coming along Hailey?" Daisy asked, the girls were writing for their sections in the book.

"Okay I guess." The teal haired girl mumbled. Milly peeked over her shoulder and smirked,

"90% of this this about Jake."

"Shut up!" She blushed brightly before frowning, Milly and Daisy exchanged glances.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." Milly said rubbing her arm.

Hailey softy smiled at them, "No it's okay, I just love him a lot. Even if he's gone."

They sat in silence as they continued writing. Rosy saw the girls and decided to come up to them, "Good afternoon girls. How are you?"

"We're doing okay Professor, almost finished with writing our portions of the book." Daisy smiled, Milly nodded before saying.

"Yeah, almost done. What about you Hailey?"

"I still have a lot." Hailey answered still looking down at her stack of papers. Rosy added,

"Yours probably would be the second longest section, I know there's a lot to your story. Jake had full on reports listed in several journals. I was quite impressed, I believe some of your habits of writing rubbed off on him."

"Heh, I guess I noticed him writing a lot when we would train." She smiled to herself.

"Well I'll see you girls later, I'm going to visit the forest." Rosy waved off to the teens before using some Air magic to float off.

I hope y'all enjoyed this, sorry it's so short but this book is coming to a quick end 😭🙏 Minty signing off! 600+ words!

Clozy's School of Magi || Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now