{Five}🩵The start of the nightmare🩵

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5 weeks later

"Good luck Hailey!" Milly cheered, up until now everyone would only compete against their own. But this week was the first time this year that she would be competing against another division.

"Thanks Milly!" She smiled, Hailey officially reached level 8 with Jakes help of course. It was a Saturday, the competition was in an hour. She would be going up against a 6th term as they were the same level. She so badly wanted Jake to come and watch but he had training with their professor scheduled for today. Hailey didn't know why he still needed to go to training, he already reached max level for all the divisions in the past 5 weeks. But what confused her was the fact he felt he had to master them as soon as possible, as far as she was aware the headmistress didn't give him a deadline. She tried asking him about it but it was the one thing he would brush off.


When she walked into the competition area she was thrilled and excitedly waiting for her match. It was number 23, just a few more moments before her turn. Little did she know about the horrible events that would take place.

"Well done Jake, your spell combos are excellent." Rosy said looking at him. She had just finished training him for that week. Jake looked at her exhausted,

"Thank you Rosy, that was quite a lot of energy though."

She just gave a small smile to him, "Well combining multiple divisions takes a lot of energy."

He wanted to ask a question but didn't know if it was right to, she took notice in his expression. "Go on ask, I'm here to answer any of your questions to the best of my knowledge."

"How did Felix exactly...." Jake hesitated, he saw the sadness in her eyes. Losing her friend must have been painful.

"We preformed a combination spell together, combining all of the divisions. He used all his energy saving us, if he didn't then I probably would be in his place right now." Jake meekly nodded, feeling bad for asking.

"What powers does Ezekiel exactly posses?" Jake found himself asking another question, Rosy answered.

"Twilight and Pyromancy. He maxed them out, and has tons of followers in those divisions. He tried stealing everyone's magic and would only grant them to those who followed him. You are far stronger than us, but like I said-". She continued speaking but Jake interrupted,

"I know, but I like you said. I am much stronger than you both. I want to live after, for her- erm I mean my friends." The headmistress sat down smirking,

"Jake, you love her. Do you not? But you need to tell her, what if life said otherwise. She'll never know. I see the way you look at Hailey, I see how you train together. She's made you stronger and you've made her." Jake let out a scoff,

"Since when was my professor my love advice? But, I don't want to trouble her with that. If I were to tell her she would try and stop me. I need to do this." Rosy frown at him,

"At least tell her your mission boy, and the rest of your friends why you haven't been coming to classes and training on Saturdays. Now, today's session is over. I have a meeting with the council. We're trying to predict when Ezekiel plans to return, so you'll have to be ready at any point to fight him." Jake nodded.

"I hear your friend has a match today, if you run you'll make it just in time." Rosy winked as his face turned into a joyful and shocked expression. He ran out saying a thank you and goodbye.


Hailey was in the middle of her match, she used strong techniques. The girl she was up against was a tough opponent but once she cast the final spell hitting the Twilight girl directly. Hailey stood up in triumph, happy to have won her first match. "You're very strong despite your term, I congratulate you on beating me." Her opponent said extending her hand.

Hailey took it and smiled, "Thank you, but you yourself were certainly quite the challenge." Jake was watching in the crowed smiling, but soon there was a large shadow casted above the area. Everyone looked around in panic, some even started screaming and trying to leave. Hailey along with the other girl were in the center, she heard her mutter.

"Someone's using dark magic."

"Wait wha-". Hailey asked but the girl pulled her arm away just as a shot of fire was directed at her. Cloaked figures surrounded the place grabbing ahold of students, there was screaming and tons of fire along with Twilight spells being used. Jake watched in horror, Ezekiels followers. Their attacking, he looked in the middle and saw Hailey and the girl frantically trying leave but the cloaked people surrounded everyone. He did the only thing his mind could think to do in these moments, using as much energy as he could he casted a combination spell of Hydro and Luminescence after getting to the top. It illuminated the place knocking back all the figures, Hailey gasped as the darkness faded. She could have sworn she saw some of them smiling while looking in the sky at something, just before disappearing. Then she realized Jake was here, she whisked her head rapidly around and saw him stumbling backwards falling off.

"Jake!" She cried just as Sean used some of his magic to catch him. Hailey ran from the center to the sides, the whole group was there startled and confused. She looked around and saw a majority of students passed out or silently crying in a corner. Most students managed to get out so she assumed no one saw him preform the spell.

"W-what happened?" Milly said shaken up.

"I, I don't know who those people were or what they wanted. But there was a glistening water like light, then I saw him fall from the sky and I immediately jumped into action." Sean hesitated, Luke and Zander looked frightened.

"Hailey! You're bleeding look at your leg!" Zander suddenly said rushing over to her.

"I'm okay, is Jake...." She looked at his limp body, Sean was holding him.

"He has a pulse, but there's no damage to his body. I think he just temporarily passed out." Hailey breathed a sigh of relief as Luke spoke.

"What was that all about? The last time someone attacked the school was over a century ago." The headmistress, teachers, and council members walked in mortified. They had been alerted by students and other monitors of the tournament. The council members and teachers helped students and the headmistress rushed over to the group.

"Professor Rosy! What was that!?" Milly asked scared and terrified.

"Ezekiels followers, he's returning." Rosy answered, she then bent down and put her hand on Jakes forehead. It glowed a little but faded as she removed it soon after.

"Wait like Ezekiel as in the guy who tried to steal magic from the school years ago?!" Zander blurted out, Rosy nodded.

"Is Jake okay?" Hailey asked, she got a soft smile in return.

"Yes, just passed out from exhaustion. Combination spells are very hard to preform, not for him typically but he already used a lot of energy during training."

"I'm not following on this. What does she mean combination spells?" Milly said looking to Sean.

"It's where more than one division is used together, I heard it's quite challenging. But don't you need more than one person to preform it?"

Rosy let out a light chuckle, "Yes you're correct, someone payed attention their first term. But not in this case or mine, Jake will explain when he wakes up. Hailey can you make sure he tells you all the other things he hasn't told you yet. If he still won't speak come talk to me, this boy can be so stubborn. I'd rather him tell you but he may not and end up regretting it." She let out a sigh at the end.


Everyone was at Luke and Jakes dorm, they were waiting for him to wake up. "So, Hailey, you think you can fill us in on what you know?" Sean asked after an hour of silence.

"I guess, you know how Professor Rosy was talking about combination spells?" She said looking at them, they nodded before she continued. "Well Jake preformed that hydro and lumi spell-".

"Wait what?!" They all yelled interrupting her.

"I thought professor Rosy could only do that?! Isn't she one of the 2 gifted ones that have 3 divisions?! And isn't he in light?!" Zander spouted out.

"Or if you have two or more people!?" Milly added as Hailey nodded,

"Yeah, except Jake isn't like her, similar. Let me just explain things okay?" They murmured, "okays"  before she talked for a little over an hour. The group was shocked and slightly relieved. Now they knew what's been going on with Jake as he's been distant lately. She finished with a big sigh, they were all exhausted as the day they have had was mentally and physically draining. They talked amongst themselves for bit after.


"What do you think Jake will say, I mean headmistress Rosy did say he had some other things he may have not told you." Sean wondered aloud,

"Well he managed to keep the fact he mastered all 6 divisions from us for about a month, it could be anything." Luke said leaning back on the couch, just then they heard a door open down the halls. Then some walked before they saw Jake enter the room looking like he got hit by a train.

"Jake! How are you feeling?" Hailey rushed over to him touching his face and examining it.

"I'm fine Hails, training took a lot out of me so I didn't have as much energy to help." He rubbed his eyes yawning. The group let him wake up a little more before getting into the topic.

"You guys okay?" Jake asked awkwardly, they all were just watching him.

"We know everything." Zander answered, Jake turned to Hailey,

"Hailey! I told you not to tell anyone-". She smiled at him,

"Sorry, professor Rosy told me they should know. Also what are you not telling us, she said there's more."

Jake frowned, "I, uhm. They- erm."

"It's okay, take your time." Sean reassured. Slowly Jake explained what he had to do, but purposely left out the part where he may have to leave them. But he was convinced that he would be strong enough.

"Oh my god, wait but you're barely even 17. Isn't this too much to expect from you?" Sean asked, the group nodded with him in agreement.

"You shouldn't have to do this Jake, can't you like give it up or something?" Zander said surprising them, Jake shook his head.

"Listen I don't want to either, but it's something I have to do. I'm not letting them basically take over the world." Everyone was silent after that, it was a late night.


It was past curfew so no one could leave the dorm without getting into trouble. Well except Jake, sometimes he would leave in the middle of the night to train. But no not today, they all stayed with each other in the dorm room. Not knowing what to say for what looked like an eternity. Jake ended up speaking eventually,

"I'm going to go to bed, it's been a long and hard day." He left them and went to his room. Luke and Zander soon got up and went to Lukes leaving the three to sleep in the living room.

"I need to use the bathroom, I'll be back." Hailey said standing up, Sean nodded.

"Okay, I'm going to bed. Night girls."


"Night." She and Milly replied as she walked off. After she finished using it she walked past Jakes room. Her gut told her that she should go check on him, she carefully cracked open the door. His room was lightly illuminated with moonlight. She noticed  he was sitting by the window, awake and looking outside. But he raised a hand and did a few motions, the door opened up all the way on its own and she felt herself be whisked next to him.

"Hi Hails, knew you would check on me." He muttered still not quite looking at her. She rubbed her arm sheepishly.

"Sorry, was I bothering you?" Jake shook his head,

"I'm just thinking."

She sat next to him, "About what?"

"What I'm going to do when he shows, what if I can't do this Hailey?" He said, his facial expression darkening.

"What are you talking about? Of course you can!" She said astonished by his doubts. Jake let out a sigh,

"That's what I keep telling myself, but a tiny part of me keeps thinking of the what ifs."

"Oh, hey. We'll all be there to help you-". She took his hand but he pulled away,

"No, I'll have professor Rosy keep you all somewhere safe. Just in case I don't succeed."

"But-". Hailey began but the boy shook his head.

"My decision is final. I care way too for you guys so I'm not taking any chances, I'd rather you not see what may happen." He said the last part under his breath. She wanted to object but ultimately decided against it. The two students sat in silence, quietly comforting each other with their presence. They sat by the window occasionally sharing glances with each other.

Hey guys Minty here. Abi has been planning on exposing this for a while. She originally was going to announce her things on April 7. But she was too stressed to even do much. Praying for her rn. Hope you guys enjoyed my first chapter. It took me I'd say about 2 hours of nonstop typing. 2.3k+ words 😭

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