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Paige pov

I position Iris under me by putting her left leg under mine and her right over mine. I start to move against her and she lets out a loud moan. I bring my lips down to hers and kiss her to muffle the moans coming out of her mouth. I continue to move against her and we groan into the kiss. We have to be quiet because Azzi is in the other room. 

she throws her head back, "Oh god, Bueckers," She says breathlessly.

"Don't use God's name in vain," I tell her.

"Shut the hell up," She says.

"Why don't you make me?" I say.

She reaches up and grabs my face and kisses me sloppily. I start to grind against her again and we both moan.

"Oh my- I'm gonna-" she starts to say.

"Do you guys wanna watch a movi-" Azzi starts, "OH MY GOD NOT AGAIN" she screams. 

Iris and I quickly untangle and I grab our clothes from the floor. 

"Why do we always get walked in on?" She asks me.

"Because the world is homophobic," I say.

"Except everyone that has walked in on us is gay," She tells me.

"I thought that Lillian was 'straight'" I say

"Ok, but there is definitely something going on between Alice and her," Iris says.

"I think that they are both secretly in love with each other but Lillian is in denial," I say.

"Agreed," She responds.

Alice pov    

"Hey, Lillian," I say walking into the office. She looks up at me and smiles. We keep eye contact for a while before she looks down quickly.

"Uh- hey!" She stutters.

"How are you?" I ask her.

She stares at me for a few seconds, then looks down to my lips. She suddenly remembers that I asked her a question, "Oh, I'm doing great. How are you?" 

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