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A/N- In this storyline, Gracie Abrams doesn't exist. SOOOO since I don't want to have to write songs, we are just going to use gracie's songs as Iris's. Don't hate me. I DO NOT OWN THE SONGS. WATTPAD DON'T BAN ME OR WHATEVER.

paige pov

"It's going to be alright, love," I assure Iris, before knocking on her childhood home's door.

The door swings open and I see Brent.

"Iris, Paige!" He exclaims. "Come in!"

"Iris?" Anne comes running into the room. "Baby!!"

She runs over and scoops Iris into a hug.

"Hi mom," She smiles. She walks over and hugs her dad.

"Come sit down," Her mom says. She leads us into the living room. "Do you want anything to drink?"

"No, thanks," I smile.

Brent and Anne sit on the couch across from us.

"So," Anna starts. "What brought you home?" She pauses. "The two of you, I mean."

"Well," Iris says with shaky breath. "We've got some news."

I rub Iris's back.

"You're not pregnant, are you?" Brent asks.

"Sweetheart," Anne laughs. "That's not possible."

"I knew some weird lesbians in college," He mumbles. "They managed to prove it possible."

Anne gives him a concerned look before looking back at us. "What is your news?" She smiles.

"Alright," Iris sighs. "Fuck, I'm so scared."

"It's going to be okay," I whisper, rubbing her back.

"Paige is right," Anne confirms. "We will support you no matter what. We may not always agree, but we will always support you."

"Okay, mom, dad," Iris starts. "I need you two to remember that this doesn't mean it's going to happen immediately. In fact, what I'm going to tell you, happened almost three months ago."

"Okay.." Brent says.

"Um," She sighs. "We're engaged."

"What?" Anne laughs.

Iris holds up her hand to show the ring.

"We're engaged," I repeat, grabbing Iris's hand.

"Iris," Anne sighs. "What have I always told you."


"That you can't get married at a young age," She interrupts.

"Like I said mom, just because we are engaged, doesn't mean that we will get married right away. Paige and I have been engaged for almost three months."

Anne sighs. "Excuse me for a second." She walks out of the room.

Iris, Brent, and I sit here awkwardly.

"So," Brent says. "You watch WNBA?"

"Dad," Iris sighs. "Paige doesn't want to-"

"Yeah," I say. "I love the Lynx."

"Maya Moore, huh."

"Yup," I laugh.

"Well," Brent sighs. "I'm going to go talk to Anne."

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