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may 29, 2025



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Paige pov

The gentle hum of the airplane engines provided a soothing backdrop as I sat next to Iris.

The cabin was dimly lit, with the faint glow of sunrise beginning to filter through the small windows.

I glanced at Iris, her features softened by the early morning light. Her eyes, a deep shade of brown that seemed to sparkle with warmth, met mine briefly before she turned to look out the window.

"It's beautiful up here," Iris said softly.

I nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of peace settle over me. Traveling with Iris always made even the longest flights feel peaceful.

As the cabin crew moved about, attending to passengers still dozing or waking up, Iris shifted in her seat closer to mine. Her hand found mine on the armrest between us, fingers intertwining effortlessly.

"Are you comfortable?" she asked, her thumb tracing gentle circles on the back of my hand.

"Mhmm," I murmured, unable to resist smiling at her. "Especially now."

This Love (Paige Bueckers)Where stories live. Discover now