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March 13, 2025

Hadley pov

"would you like to address the rumors about you and Paige?" the interviewer asks me.

"well," I sigh. "when I first got to UConn, Paige was awful to me. she refused to help me with anything. I would ask her the smallest questions, like, where things were and she would tell me to eff off. i did one day come over to her apartment to try to talk things out but she started yelling about me. I would not like to disclose what she said for her sake. she's now lying saying that I kissed her, when I literally knew that Iris and her were dating."

"wow," the man says. "that's a lot to unpackage." he looks back to the camera. "well that's all we have with me today, back to you Casey."

Paige pov

"back to you Casey," the man says on my phone.

what the actual fuck.

I pace around the room. practice starts in ten minutes so the rest of the team is out in the gym.

I start to feel like I can hardly breathe. I sit down in front of my locker and try to breathe but I can't.

tears start to flow down my cheeks and I have no clue what's going on.

I see the door open and Ashlynn quickly runs back out of the locker room.

a few seconds later Iris comes sprinting in.

I'm on the verge of passing out. I haven't been able to breathe for quite some time.

"breathe," iris rubs my back.

"I'm, t-trying," I say in between my hyperventilating breaths.

"here," she says. "we're going to breathe in for four, hold for four, and out for eight, okay?"

"ok-kay," I say.

"in, two three four," she says.

I breathe in staggered breaths.

"hold, two three four."

I hold my breath.

"out, two three four five six seven eight," she finishes. "again."

we repeat the process for a while.

"what was that?" I ask after settling down.

"it was a panic attack, Paige," she answers.

"oh," I whisper.

"what happened?" Iris asks.

I show iris the clip from tv of Hadley.

"that fucking bitch," iris shakes her head.

"yeah," I laugh.

"are you okay?" she asks.

"I think so," I reply.

"tell geno I won't be watching practice," she says. "I love you."

she storms out.

what is happening?

Iris pov

I knock on the door of Hadley's apartment. she still lives in Connecticut, but plays for a league now because she graduated early and Ohio state didn't want her back.

the door swings open.

"fancy seeing you here," Hadley says.

"why do you think you can just get away with shit?" I ask.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she shrugs.

"how about I come inside so you don't have to worry about getting caught lying anymore."

"alright," Hadley laughs.

I walk inside her musty apartment. it smells like sex.

I see a strap on sitting on the dining table and a few dental dams in the kitchen.

"why did you make a fucking scene on tv?" I ask.

"because you guys are trying to ruin my career!" she yells.

"for a valid reason!" I laugh.

"and what is that?" she asks.

"you sexually assaulted her, multiple times. stabbed her, stalked her, must I go on?"

"one, it doesn't count as sexual assault unless I rape her. two, I didn't stab her, the cut was only like an inch deep."

"you kissed and touched her multiple times AFTER she said no. and the cut was deep enough to leave a nasty scar, so yes the fuck you did stab her," I argue.

"whatever," she sighs. "she deserves it. she should have never said no to me." she pauses. "I don't care what happens, she will be mine. I'll rape her if I have to."

"Jesus Christ!" I yell. "that's fucking disgusting! You're an awful person, Hadley. and I hope you know that."

"you better fucking leave before I stab you, too," she threatens.

"gladly," I laugh.

I storm out and slam the door.

I smile creeps onto my face.

i laugh as I grab my phone out of my pocket, and stop the recording that's has been going for the past ten minutes.

Iris is a bad bitch. LOVE HER.



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