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March 14, 2025

Iris and I board the plane to go to iowa.

I had a few people come up to me in the airport asking for my autograph. more people asked for iris's though.

we make our way to our seats in first class and sit down.

"this is nice," she states.

"yep," I laugh.

"I'm so tired," she says.

"I wonder why," I smirk.

her eyes widen.

we land in Des Moines and get off the plane.

as we're walking through the airport, I see a large group of people gathered around something.

the crowd clears and I see a tall brunette. she has silky medium length hair.


Iris yells, "CAITLIN!"

she turns around and starts to run towards us.

she scoops iris up into a hug.

"what are you doing here?" Caitlin asks.

"what are you doing here?" Iris asks.

"I'm here to visit," she says.

"same," Iris says.

"do mom and dad know you're coming?" Caitlin asks.

"no, you?"

"nope," Caitlin says.

I stand here as they talk about random shit.

I look over Caitlin's shoulder to see Kate walking over.

"boo!" Kate scares as she puts her hands on Caitlin's hips.

"did you find a tampon?" Caitlin asks Kate.

her face goes red. "yes, yes I did," Kate answers.

Kate wraps her arms around Caitlin's stomach and rests her head on her shoulder.

"it's so weird seeing this in public," I say, pointing at cait and Kate.

"I'm proud of you," Kate says to Caitlin.

she came out to the public last week.

a lot of people have been saying "I told you so." and "knew she didn't like Connor."

"I'm so happy I did it," Caitlin says. "I was so sick of hiding it."

Kate kisses Caitlin's neck.

"Let's go," I grab irises hand.

we get to Anne and Brent's house and knock on the door.

we hear footsteps on the inside and the door opens.

I see Anne, wearing a pink robe.

"BABIES!!" she yells, hugging iris and Caitlin.

"who's here?" I hear Brent say. I look up to see Brent wearing nothing but his boxers.

my hand immediately flies to my eyes to cover them.

no wonder Anne was in a robe.

"DAD!" Iris yells.

"how was I sent to a catholic school?" Caitlin asks.

Brent runs back into his room and puts on clothes.

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