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three months later

New York register: the famous Caitlin Clark's sister dating, predicted to be number one draft pick, Paige Bueckers.

Paige pov

"we're famous," I show Iris the post on my phone.

"we were already somewhat famous, Bueckers." she says. "also, that happened three months ago, they're late."

heat rises to my cheeks.

"cat got your tongue?" she smirks.

"Kat better not have my tongue," I look around for the animal.

she rolls her eyes.

"you better not call me that unless you're ready to face the consequences," I say.

"oh, I am," she smirks, taking a step toward me.

"we have to leave in ten minutes, Iris," I laugh.

"I hate Gatorade," she sighs.

"I'll make up for it when we get home from the event."

"oh really?" she flirts.

"yeah," I answer.

"let's get going!" she skips out the door.

"alright," I laugh.

"hi!" Caitlin runs over to us. this event is in New York. the fever play liberty tomorrow.

"Caitlin!" Iris hugs her.

"how are you feeling?" Caitlin asks.

"a lot better," iris answers.

"good," Caitlin smiles.

"hi Paige," Caitlin says.

"hey," I reply.

the rest of the event is spent with us laughing about the stupidest shit. but it was still super fun.

we're in the car, riding back from the event.

"Bueckers?" iris gets my attention. Bueckers.

"yeah ma?"

"are you still going to make it up to me?" she asks.

"of course," I smirk.

we get home and I pull her into the bedroom to make sure that Kat doesn't interrupt us.

I look at Iris, who stares back at me with lust filled eyes.

"off," I demand.

she immediately pulls off her shirt and soon after, her jeans.

I stare at her red lacy set. she clearly planned this. the bra is small and a push up. it's basically see through, besides the small hearts embroidered into it. The underwear has the same see through embroidered design. it's a small patch of fabric covering her pussy, stretching to cover a small portion of her ass. the fabric is held up by a thin string around her hips. it's very low cut.

"you like?" she smirks.

"yes," I say breathlessly. "it'd look better on the floor though."

"take it off me then," she says.

I walk over to her and peel off my shirt.

I stand behind her and put her hair up into a ponytail. after it's tied up, I gently suck on her neck.

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