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June 5, 2025

Paige pov

sadly, we had to go back to Indiana. we had so much fun on our honeymoon.

my first practice since I've gotten back is in a few minutes and im kind of scared. we have a new coach. christi got fired, of course. our new coach is the one and only, Lisa Bluder.

im scared she won't like me because of how close she is with Caitlin.

I walk into the gym and see that it's empty, which is unusual because normally Caitlin is here an hour early. and im late.

"SURPRISE!!!" the entire team yells as they jump out from behind the bleachers.

"AHHH!" I scream.

"YOURE MARRIED!!" alyiah yells.

the rest of them team runs toward me screaming.

once they reach me, they all jump on top of me.


"WERE EXCITED!" Kelsey yells.

they all continue to yell and hit me.

"ladies!" A voice yells.

I look up to see Lisa staring right at me.

"let's get started!"

after all the girls run over to grab balls she walks up to me.

"congratulations," she whispers.

Iris pov

The sun streamed through the curtains, signaling another lazy Sunday morning. Paige was already up, sitting cross-legged on the bed with a book in hand when I finally peeled my eyes open.

"Morning, sunshine," she greeted, peering over her book with a smirk. "Sleepyhead finally joins the land of the living."

I groaned playfully, stretching my arms above my head. "You know mornings aren't my forte."

Paige raised an eyebrow, her smirk widening. "So what you're saying is, I should start an 'Iris wakes up before noon' commemorative calendar?"

I threw a pillow at her, laughing. "Only if you're ready for twelve months of blank pages."

She caught the pillow effortlessly, chuckling. "Fair point. Guess I'll stick to enjoying my mornings with you instead."

I crawled over to her side of the bed, leaning against her shoulder. "Good choice. I come with complimentary cuddles and occasional breakfast experiments."

Paige chuckled, placing her book aside and wrapping her arms around me. "Ah yes, your famous 'pancake soufflés' will go down in history."

"They were supposed to rise gracefully," I protested with mock indignation. "Not resemble hockey pucks."

She kissed the top of my head. "Hey, even hockey puck pancakes have their charm. Just like you."

I swatted at her playfully. "Smooth recovery, but I'm onto you."

Paige grinned, pressing a kiss to my lips this time. "Onto me, huh? Careful, Iris, you might fall in love with my morning charm."

I rolled my eyes, unable to suppress my smile. "Already there, Paige. Already there."

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