The Result

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Tori's POV:

If you tell him now, this is the result...

I gasped for air, looking around me at the bright lighted room with two figures standing over me.

"How many have you had?" His voice was angry. So angry.

"None! I haven't had any!" I didn't scream that, but it sounded like my own voice. Why can't I move?

"Then why would you tell him you did?" Her tone was softer and when I looked, I realized it was Mrs. Gio. She looked pained and guilty, but she has nothing to feel that way about.

"I d-didn't! Destinee did!" The voice cried out, sobs sounding all around the room.

"Her name is not Destinee! It's eighteen!" This time his voice was booming, and I could see the vein popping out of his neck.

"I've had enough of you for now." The growl was cold, and I knew whatever came next for whoever was getting in trouble, it wasn't good. I watched as Mr. Noah violently tore shackles from my body and harshly grabbed my arm yanking me. I'm the one getting in trouble. I'm not there anymore though.

My body was fighting back, landing a few punches and I could hear my voice in my mind crying for Corrina's help. She didn't answer though. My mind was empty, and I couldn't feel her. He threw me down and began to fasten straps over my wrists, ankles, legs, stomach, chest, neck, and finally my head. I could see my body jerking, trying to get out of whatever he just put me in, but I couldn't seem to gather enough power. He shut the glass and metal tube over my body, and I realized I'm now laying in a glass rounded container built with metal edges and locks. As the tube slowly came to a standing point, probably from a machine or something, I could see wires and what looked like a giant tank connected to the glass tube.

I could see Mrs. Gio and Mr. Noah was talking but I couldn't hear what they were saying. All the sudden, the sound of rushing water echoed through a pipe at the bottom of the tube. I watched in horror as the glass tube I stood trapped in began to fill with water. I could hear myself screaming and I could see myself struggling against the restraints but there was no use. The water quickly rushed over my legs, over my stomach, over my chest, up my neck, and as I took my final breath, the water washed over my head.

I opened my eyes in the water, trying to hold my breath for as long as I could as I watched their two wavering figures get snuck up on by two very faint wavering shadows. My lungs started to scream, and I had no choice but to try to suck in oxygen. I couldn't control my body. I could feel myself choking on the water, the water filling my lungs slowly but surely as I gasped and coughed and coughed and gasped. Over and over again, yet my eyes wouldn't stray from the four figures fighting outside the tube even as darkness seeped in through my vision. I feel cold. I hurt everywhere but most of all my chest. I don't want to feel anything anymore, it all hurts too much. This is worse than the correction appointments. With that final thought, all fell black with the sound of moving water rushing in my ears with the ringing that grew in volume every second.

This is what will happen if you tell him later...

Then I was awake, in bed. I sat up holding my chest while breathing heavily and I felt a hand gently touch my side.

"What's wrong, babygirl?" A tired voice mumbled.

"I had a nightmare." Yet again, I could hear my own voice, but it wasn't me talking.

"Wanna talk about it?" I felt his hand move to my back and softly run over it in smooth circles. My head shook no before I turned, and I saw the strange man sitting beside me with his shirt off and worried eyes. I tried to offer a reassuring smile, but I think it made him worry more because he pulled me closer and held me in his lap, kissing my shoulder before giving my forehead a kiss. When I looked down, I was shocked to see that I was not only shirtless, but I had a huge belly sticking out. My hand rested against my stomach, softly rubbing it before I looked up with a soft smile.

"She's awake." His eyes lit up and he grew a sleepy smile, placing his own hand on my swollen stomach. I could feel her kicking and my heart pinched with hurt from past memories. I ignored it like always though.

"I'm gonna go get some water, do you want any?" I hum, flopping over while protectively covering my stomach. It's so hard to move and get around being this pregnant.

"Can you get me some chocolate milk or mountain dew?" He asked with a wide innocent smile and begging eyes. I laughed softly, nodding my head while standing. 

"Yes, my love." So, I waddled down the stairs, taking one at a time while clutching onto the railing for dear life. Once I made it to the bottom, I turned not really paying attention to the shadow that lurked in the corner. It's probably just Jays clothes he forgot to put in the basket or Bubba, one of our dogs, laying on the floor.

Once I had successfully made his chocolate milk the way he likes it (in a mason jar, shook not stirred), I grabbed a can of mountain dew from the fridge, sitting the drinks on the beautiful wooden island in front of me. I got a cup and filled it with water and just leaned against the island while I sipped on my water. I'm kind of feeling hungry too. I slowly allowed my eyes to follow a trail to the cabinet. Looking at the cabinet for many seconds, I pondered whether to get a snack before waddling over and opening it. What exactly am I hungry for? I saw a few things such as wafers, Cheez Itz, macaroni, hamburger helper, some potatoes, Takis, bagels, bread, so on and so forth. Takis sound really good... but I also want something sour and sweet. Grabbing the Takis, I laid them on the island before waddling to the fridge in search of something sour and sweet. Upon examining the fridge for a couple of minutes, I came up with baby dill pickles and cream cheese. Then I started my tasty invention.

I used a metal boba straw to carefully remove the middle of the pickle, shove the Taki into the opening, and dip it in the cream cheese tub before taking a bite and moaning in pure ecstasy. This was exactly what I needed.

When I was done, I put everything away, grabbed Jay's stuff, and made my way back upstairs, turning the lights off along the way. As we walked by the living room again, I saw Bubba still laying in the corner from my peripheral and started slowly but surely making my way up the stairs. Upon arriving at the room, I smiled and began to giggle.

"Here you are, your majesty." I waited for a moment, my smile slowly falling. Did he go back to sleep? I set his stuff down on my nightstand before walking over to the lights. I wished I never turned the lights on though because when I turned around, I found Jay's bloody body laying mangled on the bed with his eyes staring blankly at me. I screamed and rushed to him, checking for a pulse but I knew there was no point. Is Oakley okay? Scurrying back to my feet, I waddled as fast as I could, still bawling and probably hyperventilating by now if my lungs screaming at me told me anything. Upon making it to Oakley's nursery, I flipped the light on and felt my world crash around me. She wasn't in her room.

After about 20 minutes of searching the house, I heard scratching at the door and ran to it, hoping it was our girl, Oakley. Please be okay, baby. When I yanked the door open though, Bubba, Gracie, and Archie stood their, tails wagging and soaked from the rain. If Bubba was outside... What is in the living room?

I took a few steps back, not bothering to shut the door and flicked the living room light on. There she laid on the floor with a puddle of blood surrounding her. I cried and cried, sobbing and finding it harder to breathe as I moved to her, pulling my baby in my arms and screaming. This shouldn't have happened. What even happened!? I heard a creak and turned around, still holding my daughter's body to my chest. She was only four. A shadow soon lit up to reveal Noah Ade.

"You shouldn't have told him. He ruined everything and I was forced to take revenge." Then his arm came up with a knife and everything went black.

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