Battle Scars

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This ride is a pleasant one, thank God I have time to finally rest" Thought a young, yet seasoned athlete from Argentina, riding back from a rather intense round of practice for his next competition. His Miami home awaits. A huge Roman Revival mansion with a gated fence. The chauffer pulls up and finally reaches the main entrance of the house. Leo grabs his Black and Pink Adidas duffel bag, packed with his shin guards, muddied up shorts and jersey, and heads in. He limps slightly, favoring his left foot on the way to his jetted tub. He slowly undresses, he has slight bruising on both of his toned legs starting to darken, he took a nasty fall after his teammate tried to run for the ball at the same time he did. "Damn it, Taylor..." he muttered under his breath, hissing out as he slowly took off his knee high socks. His shorts were barely hanging onto his body, exposing his sheer summer boxers. He undresses down to his boxers, and turns the water on. It's initially cold, but the temperature climbs to near boiling. He sticks his left foot in first, hissing in pain. The hiss turns to a little moan of relief as the pain melts away. He then strips off his last article of clothing, his sheer black boxers that kept him from being too sweaty. His bare, yet tan bottom was just as toned as his legs. He slowly eased his battered and muscular body into the hot water, letting out a hiss filled exhale. He rests and relaxes as the jets lightly massage his entire body.

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