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After 90+ minutes of pain, sweat, and near tears. Their big competitive match ends in a tie. 3-3, to the shock of the stadium and the futbol world. Leo is shocked his team survived, but proud. Everyone is exhausted, bruised, sweating, and recouperating in the locker room. Leo is in rough shape, limping after getting ran into by Cris on the field, but in remarkably good spirits. Taking off his left shoe was a slow and painful process. A gasp of pain from Leo can be heard throughout the room as his adrenaline wears off, prompting Coach Martino to signal the locker room's doctor. Leo is wheeled out to be examined in the medical room in a protective cast. "Please let me know if this hurts, so I can order an X Ray or MRI." Urges Dr. Ramirez. An exam and palpation of the metatarsals is needed to diagnose broken bones or torn ligaments. Leo is slowly laid down by Dr. Ramirez and a nurse. The exam begins with the outer most metatarsal, no pain. Fourth, no pain. Third metatarsal is also fine. The second metatarsal exam, he grips the sterile bed cover and lets out a violent hiss and gasp. "Dr. Ramirez, no more please! It hurts so bad, I can't take it, please stop!" Leo whimpers through shallow breaths, almost in tears. "You may have a broken foot, this requires an X Ray, please lay back again. Lay with your left leg bent, and try to rest your foot on the bed." The doctor accommodates with a pillow underneath Leo's upper leg. Leo is fitted with a protective X Ray vest. 2 X Rays are taken at the top of the foot and they take 45 minutes to an hour to get back in case of emergency. 45 minutes pass, Leo receives terrible news. "I am sorry, you will have to take an extended break/ recovery, 4-6 weeks. Your second metatarsal is fractured. You're going to be fitted with a medical boot to encourage the bones to stay in place as they re-fuse. I'm also ordering you to complete 2 weeks of rehab before you can return to the field." Leo is devastated, tries to not cry. The tears fall, he worked like hell, and he gets sidelined to deal with a serious injury. "Leo, we have to apply pressure to stabilize and align the broken bones. I'm going to be truthful with you, this is going to hurt like hell. I don't want you to need surgery. That'll bench you the whole season. Do you understand?" Leo nods "Please do whatever you need to do, Doc. I don't want the surgery." "Okay, Leo. I'm going to count you down, I'll stop to give you a break. But I have to keep going rather quickly. You are going to be in intense pain. Leo, are you ready? Leo nods, appreciating the doctor's honesty. "Okay, 3, 2, 1. Don't forget to take breaths as well. Do not hold in the pain, let it out. Don't be stoic." Another wave of pain rocks his body, radiating from his foot to his leg. The pain eventually gets the better of him as the doctor applies pressure to hold the bones in place. Leo becomes undone, as he cries out for mercy while his knuckles go white gripping the sides of the bed.

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