Capital Punishment

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What feels like 2 weeks later, it's a huge match between Inter Miami CF vs. DC United. This is a home game for Miami in Fort Lauderdale, FL. There is an absolutely overwhelming amount of pink and black jerseys supporting them. The time on the scoreboard is 93:00 & 90+5 with Miami at 5 and DC at 3. This has been a good game with no major conflicts. Cristiano and Lionel are passing the ball to each other down to DC's goal. It slowly turns into both of them being really close to the ball. A DC Defender named Aaron Herrera is trying to wrestle the ball away from Lionel Messi, who has control of the ball, with Christian Benteke a 6"3 striker joining the fray. Cristiano gets worried about Lionel getting hurt. Cristiano sees Benteke about to tower over Lionel to try to wrestle the ball. The turf is wet, so some slippage happens, too. Benteke is about to trip, so Lionel is pushed out of the way by his boyfriend, and he takes the crushing instead. Whistles are blown, and the crowd goes pin drop silent. Lionel is sitting upright after getting pushed to the side by Ronaldo. He gets up quickly. He rushes over to check on Cristiano. Benteke quickly gets up and realizes he collided with and fell on top of Ronaldo. The Portuguese man is pained and finds Lionel. "Mi Amor, are you okay? Are you hurt?" "No Mi Amor, but I think you are." Lionel panics, Cris looks down and realizes he may have injured his left foot in the collision with the larger DC striker, and the pain slowly overtakes his entire leg when he tries to move it, causing him to gasp out in pain and collapse. "Mi Amor, this hurts! I can't move my foot, I think it's broken!" Lionel rushes to take his boyfriend's arm to support him off the field, with Luis Suarez and Drake Callender helping as well. There is a wheelchair waiting for Cristiano along with Dr. Ramirez and Coach Martino. They meet up with their injured athlete as all 3 men gently seat him. The leg is lifted into a chair stirrup for support as the final buzzer goes off, Miami winning 5 to 3 against DC.

10-15 minutes later...

"I'm sure you remember how I examined your boyfriend, Cristiano! This will be the exact same thing. I need to palpate the bones to determine which ones need x rays." Lionel races to be behind his boyfriend's upper back to support him and to give his head somewhere to bury. "Cris, please grab my hands if this hurts too much, I'm so sorry I put you in here... This is my fault..." sniffles Lionel behind his battered lover. "Leo, you could've gotten hurt just as badly, if not worse. I didn't want you to be in pain again, so I will take it. I love you, Mi Amor." Cris whispers to his upset boyfriend who goes in for a kiss. Tiny pecks placed on his lips and face. "Okay, Cristiano! I'm going to begin my exam. Do not hold anything back, I need to know which one hurts so I can help you. Scream, cry, groan, or growl. Okay? I'm going to begin now." Instructs Dr. Ramirez. He goes to touch the fifth metatarsal, and there's no pain. Lionel scootches forward to hold Cristiano, bracing him for any pain. Nothing so far, the fourth metatarsal comes up with nothing. The third metatarsal exam is when Cristiano feels like he's being tortured, waves of constant pain overtake his entire leg. "Right there, doctor! It hurts so bad, I might cry! Please have mercy on me!" Tears well up in Cristiano's eyes as he gasps out, them falling on Lionel's forearm. Hitched breathing in his loud and desperate begging, Lionel tries to hold back his own tears of guilt. The second metatarsal exam is just as painful as the third with Cristiano crying out and gripping Lionel's arm, "Lionel, you are so tough and strong! This hurts so much!" Lionel's tears fall."I was in front of you, that's why I was so strong, I loved you even then." Leo admits to his hurting lover. Cristianos shakily kisses his hand while squeezing the other. The first metatarsal did hurt, but not as much as the other two. "Okay, I'm marking three metatarsals for x ray. Here, this is a radiation resistant vest. Put it on to protect yourself as I scan your foot. Cris reaches for it and puts it on. Lionel kisses Cris's forehead and moves behind the doctor. The x rays are snapped, and they wait for 30 minutes. The x rays are on an emergency basis, so they arrive faster than normal. "Cristiano, Mi Amor. I'm going to return the favor. You took care of me like I was a prince. You're going to be pampered and cared for throughout the entire way. I love you so much. Thank you for saving me." Leo lifts his pained boyfriend's chin and pets the back of his head. "Grip my hands and let it out if you need to. The compression sleeve is absolutely awful." Cris looks up at his sweet and caring boyfriend."I've never seen you in so much pain, that was the absolute worst. But it did lead to us being the happiest we've ever been." Leo smiles as he holds a larger Cris in his petite lap."All that pain was worth it led to something beautiful between us. Mi Amor, I love you so much." Cris and Leo kiss each other while they wait for the x rays to return from Dr. Ramirez's office in the waiting room. "Mmmph, Leo. I really like that." Cris lets out a moan, forgets he may have a broken foot for a moment and tries to move his left leg, the moans turn into a sharp hiss and whimper. Leo pets his head and offers his hand to squeeze. "I know this may seem dumb, but I found a way to deal with pain." Cris raises an eyebrow through his pained expression. "After I got hurt, moving around did hurt for a little while. I learned to take deep breaths with my nose and out through my mouth, or taking breaths in and out of my mouth. Made it hurt a little bit less." The two men hear the office door open...

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