Welcome to America

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24 hours later...

The rematch of the decade has come, Al Nassr vs. Inter Miami in a newly bitter rivalry since Cristiano unceremoniously left. Cristiano and Lionel emerge from the back running to the field together. The crowd in Miami is roaring and screaming at the new couple, Portuguese and Argentinean flags flying together for the first time in Futbol history, jerseys of both men are sewn together and worn by many of the fans. Posters with "10 +7  = 17",  "Stand up to Saudi Hate", and many posters welcoming Cristiano Ronaldo to Inter Miami. "Welcome to the United States of America, Cristiano! Much more warm and welcoming to us than what you're used to. They love us, and love you." Leo shouts to his new Inter Miami teammate and love of his life. Cristiano is absolutely shocked at the amount of support he has from his new team, his new fans in Florida. Cris and Leo are going to be co strikers for their first game together, as it was decided by Tata. Both in front before the buzzer, their midfielders are Taylor, Suarez, Jordi Alba, Campana, and 2 others. The main defender is Ukrainian American Immigrant Serhiy Kryvtsov with 3 other defenders and goalie Derek Callender. There are 12 Inter Miami players on the field against 12 Al Nassr players. The game kicks off with Inter Miami gaining immediate possession of the ball, Lionel and Cristiano passing it to each other back and forth seamlessly down the field with the speed of 2 cheetahs chasing after a gazelle. Messi assists, and Ronaldo kicks with the speed of light into the goal for Inter Miami's first point. The arena explodes with screams and the fans are going wild, Messi does Ronaldo's SIUUU taunt on one side, and Ronaldo does Messi's hands behind his ears taunt on the other to egg on the roaring attendees in the crowd. An Al Nassr player takes this opportunity to lunge at Messi, they both go down on the field. The crowd's cheers quickly turn to loud boos and screams of horror. Messi quickly gets on top and pounds away at the Saudi player's face, the unnamed midfielder from Al Nassr calls Messi several slurs as the Saudi player gains control, administering center mass body blows. That doesn't last long as Ronaldo pulls the player off and starts pounding away at his former teammate with ferocity, seeing absolute red as he draws blood from him. Robert Taylor, Luis Suarez, and Serhiy Kryvtsov all join in to stop any other Saudi players from joining the assault. One player who's more than fed up is the 6"2 Sacramento born Derek Callender, he runs from his goal and smashes into the Saudi player with brute force making the crowd go absolutely crazy, knocking him several feet back, restraining him for the Arena security to intervene. Security, referees, and the Al Nassr coach arrive to collect and eject the Saudi player. Coach Tata Martino is phoning 911 to report the assault and gives a description of the assailant as he runs to the field to check on his two star players. The referee Jaime Herrera red cards the offending player, prompting immediate ejection and suspension for the rest of the game. No red or yellow cards given to the Inter Miami players except Derek Callender and Cristiano Ronaldo. they are given yellow cards for the altercation, all that the ref is willing to do given the circumstances. "This wasn't a mutual brawl, this was clearly an ambush. I am not willing to further penalize the Inter Miami players." Derek is seen being held back by his defender teammate Serhiy, screaming to Al Nassr "WELCOME TO AMERICA, YOU PIECES OF SHIT!" All this drama unfolds, Cristiano is frantically searching for his boyfriend. Takes a minute to find him, but it feels like the longest minute of his life, his fists covered in blood from the beating he gave he could care less about. "Mi Amor, I'm over here!" Shouts the younger Argentine, as he's being looked over by Dr. Ramirez to assess for any injuries. The relieved yet still shaken Portuguese man runs like hell to his boyfriend. They both run into each other's arms. Lionel is shaking, tearing up. But he's still happy to be in his protector's arms. Ronaldo is shaking even more from the rest of the anger leaving his body, the adrenaline still coursing through his veins. "Leo, are you okay?" Cristiano shakily says through the fresh tears streaming down his face. The blood from the offending player is dried and caked onto Cristiano's raw knuckles as he goes to check Lionel's face. Lionel has a busted upper lip, and a bruise is forming under his right eye. The tears flow from Cristiano as he kisses his boyfriend's forehead, tears stinging his eyes as he squeezes them out. Lionel cries just as hard as Cristiano, their faces are both red and their eyes are stinging. "I love you, Leo. I'm so sorry." Cristiano says with his head down. Lionel reassures his older boyfriend "Don't be sorry, I love you so much. You saved me, that could've been so much worse." The Argentine always knows how to be optimistic, which somehow calms Ronaldo down. They walk to the middle of the field, and they both pull each other in for a hug. The hug is the first time they've shown affection in public. They both look at each other like no one else is around, they lean in for a kiss. They embrace and kiss in front of tens of thousands of people. The crowd is a buzz with cheers, clapping, and awws. A few more Al Nassr players try to storm the field to attack the two men. Which prompts the response of a few audience members that are off duty Miami Dade Police Department officers to immediately chase after and tackle them. They present their badges to the Referees and event security. This results in the rest of the Al Nassr team being red carded and ejected from the arena and the offending players arrested for their assault and attempted assaults with hate crime enhancements. Jaime Herrera obtains a stadium microphone after a brief talk with Tata and the rest of the event team. "Ladies and Gentleman of the Inter Miami stadium, this is an outcome we never expected and never wanted. We have decided as a team to split Inter Miami in half for tonight and have a Blacks vs Pinks match to give you all a show you paid for. The substitute players are Blacks, the players on the field are Pinks. We will reset the score and start momentarily." The crowd likes this idea and gives applause as a response. Everyone clears out to the locker room to change, bandage up, and half the team puts on their away jerseys.

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