Reverse Comfort

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"Okay, Cristiano! I got your X rays back. Unfortunately, your second and third metatarsals are broken. The first one has a sprain, the second one has a fracture in one, almost 2 places. The third one has a fracture in only one place. This is the best news you could get. Otherwise, you'd be having surgery. Same time frame to recovery as Lionel. 6 to 8 weeks of resting at home and 2-3 weeks of rehab after! The bad news is that we have to apply pressure to stabilize the bones. Which means I have to set them by hand and apply the compression sleeve." Cris looks incredibly worried about the news. "Lionel, please get behind Cristiano to hold him while I apply pressure." He quickly gets up and behind his boyfriend, offering his hand to him to deal with the pain that would come. "Doctor, I think I can take it. I'm ready now." Leo shakily says "Don't hold anything back, Mi Amor. Cry and curse if you need to, but remember to breathe. I have you, and I love you. Doctor, I think we're both ready now."
"I love you too, Leo!" Cris and Leo looked to the Doctor. "Okay, Cristiano. This is not going to be easy, this will hurt like hell. I'm going to place your bones in 3...2...1. Don't try to be a hero." The Doctor places pressure on Cristiano's freshly broken foot. Cristiano breathes intensely and whimpers through the intense pain that can be felt through his whole leg, burying his face into Lionel's arms, tears stinging away at the Argentine's skin. "OH GOD, MI AMOR. THIS HURTS SO BAD. I'M SO SORRY YOU WENT THROUGH THIS!" Sweat dripping down his forehead, Lionel grabs a tissue to wipe it away. "I know this hurts, Cris. I'm so sorry, this will be over soon!" Leo's tears falling as he wipes them away with his shoulder. "I really hate seeing you in so much pain. You're gonna be treated like a Saudi Prince, and I'll make sure you're comfortable the whole time!" Leo cries to his pained lover. "S-Saudi Prince? God, I love you, Mi Amor!" Cris cries into his petite boyfriend's arms as the pressure lightens. "Cris and Leo, this feels just like yesterday!" Dr. Ramirez jokes with the two as he eventually lets go. The pain slowly leaves the Portuguese man's body. Lionel wipes more sweat away from his shaking boyfriend's face and hairline. Cris is wiped out by this already. Dr. Ramirez is opening the compression sleeve's bag. "Okay you two, half of the pain is over. This part will stink for you just as badly Cristiano. I know you're tired and hurting. You'll be done before you know it. I really don't want you to undergo surgery, so this is the next best thing. Are you ready?" Cristiano and Lionel, both brace to deal with the second wave of pain. "Cris, I love you. I was wondering if you'd want to get a house of our own after you're healed? Something we can call ours, I have enough money since I sold my house." Leo asks."I think I'd love that. Can we move to South Miami?" Cristiano inquires. "Anywhere you want." Lionel kisses the back of Cristiano's head. "Okay, Cristiano! I have the sleeve, this pain will last for a little while, I'll give you a prescription for Oxycodone when we're all set. The sleeve goes on in 3...2...1. Let it out, Cristiano!" Cris squeezes Leo's hand as the pain overtakes him from his foot being compressed, cries, and pleads come from the larger man. He tries to catch his breath, resulting in panted cries. "Breathe, Mi Amor. I know this hurts. You're doing great, I'm so proud of you!" Lionel reassures his older boyfriend and strokes his hair back with his free hand. Cristiano breathes in and out like he's experiencing labor pains, but it does help a little bit. "My leg is on fire. This really hurts! Please make it stop!" Cris begs the doctor through his tears. "I'm running an emergency dose of intravenous pain reliever." Dr. Ramirez said while opening the controlled substances drawer above his computer. "You may have a few strained ligaments as well, making the sensation worse. This will pass, and you'll feel better." He pulls out a pre loaded syringe, 30 MG of Ketorolac, and 75 MG shot of Cortisone. He finds a vein in Cristiano's lower leg and pushes a 25G needle into his leg, earning a gasp and whimper from the athlete. The pain slowly leaves again as the plunger pushes the reliever and steroid in, this time for good. Cristiano lays back into Lionel, so relaxed he almost falls asleep in his arms. "Mi Amor, I'm starting to feel better now. You should break something next time!" Cris laughs, which makes Leo giggle, and the Doctor laughs. "Okay, that was a one-time dose for an emergency basis. Don't expect that every time you come in. I only did it because I didn't want you passing out." The doctor warns. "I am going to wrap up your lower leg and foot, and the boot goes on now. Lionel, do you remember the instructions I gave you during your recovery?" Leo nods in agreement."This is the same injury, plenty of bed rest during the first 6 weeks. I'm sure you two will enjoy each other and find ways to pass the time. I might be able to clear you for rehab as early as 7 weeks if you come in regularly for Cortisone injections. The only reason I gave the shot is honestly, Cristiano, you have a lower pain tolerance than Lionel. You looked like you were going to pass out." Dr. Ramirez hangs up his coat in the corner and reaches for his prescription pad. "I'm going to place a prescription call at your local pharmacy and offer you a prescription sheet to give to the technician. If you have any problems or questions, please don't hesitate to contact my office." Cris and Leo looked to the Doctor and thanks him for taking care of Cristiano after the boot velcro is secured. Lionel grabs the wheelchair and lifts Cristiano to the larger man and doctor's shock. "Thank you so much, Doctor! We'll call you soon to schedule a follow up appointment!" Leo shouts on the way out the door with Cristiano in tow. "Wait, you two don't have crutches! You gonna carry him around like a bride the whole time, Leo?" Cristiano laughs "I won't let him do that, Doctor! Hand me the crutches, please! Have a great day and thank you again!" They both come out, passing by the office into the locker room to a shocked team. "It's just like yesterday, but it's you this time Cristiano! Are you okay?!" Exclaims a worried Luis Suarez. "Everyone, I will be okay. I just have a broken foot, and I'll be bedridden for 7 weeks. Looking at us like I'm dying or laid an egg!" Cris jokes to Luis and the team. "Doctor gave him Ketorolac to deal with setting the bones, so he's going to be joking around for a little bit." Explains a giggling Lionel. "Alright, everyone! We'll see you later on when this joker is feeling better!" Leo wheels his boyfriend out to the black Lexus in the Chase Stadium parking lot with shocked Paparazzi on the other side of the gated lot. Lionel lifts Cristiano almost effortlessly into the back with a pillow and blanket already set up back there. Fastens the seatbelt and presses the reclining button on the side. Lionel kisses his boyfriend, which earned several flashes of the cameras and gently closes the door. Lionel adjusts the Lexus driver's seat using a pre-set button. Lionel jumps in and starts the car. Shuts the door and slowly drives off.

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