Renaissance and Resolution

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"Lionel! It's a pleasure to see you again, you've been taking it easy right?" Dr. Ramirez joyfully asks as he reclines on the examination table. "Yes he has, made sure he relaxed and didn't move too much." Answers Cristiano "Your boyfriend can answer by himself, Mr. Ronaldo. I almost forgot to welcome you to Inter Miami! Congrats!" The doctor jokingly jabs and celebrates, making the younger man blush and giggle. "Alright, Lionel! Lets take off the boot and wrappings to take a follow up X Ray. you do remember from last time I need you to wear the protective radiation vest." Lionel gets handed the vest, and he fastened the Velcro on the sides, it resembles a life vest. Only this life vest would sink you like a rock. Cristiano lays Lionel down. "Mi Amor, I can lay myself down. Thank you for helping, though!" "Alright, Lionel, these x rays take anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour to develop and come back to me. After the photos are taken, you can put the boot on so you two can walk around the training center and locker rooms to pass the time. Or, whatever the happy couple prefers to do. I'm going to undo the Velcro on the boot and unwrap your foot, Lionel." Dr. Ramirez slowly, yet carefully takes the boot off and undressed Lionel's foot. "The bruising you had is gone, which is a very good sign your foot is fully healed! However, a confirmation x ray is all we need to clear you for rehab! Alright, Cristiano, you need to step away for a brief moment. Cris gently kisses Leo's hand and he walks behind the x ray machine. "Alright, Lionel! 3, 2, 1!" a bright flash of light beams the entire office. "Remember, you two have a lot of time to kill. I'll wrap him back up so you two can go walk around." Dr. Ramirez gently wraps Lionel's foot, Lionel feels no pain whatsoever. From which he's relieved. last time someone touched his foot, he felt like he wanted to die or cut his own leg off. The boot's elastic and Velcro straps are fastened. He's ready to move and groove. Cristiano helps him up as they walk out of the office. "Hallways feel even longer when you're hurt." Lionel says, "I know they do, it feels like the longest hallway ever." They both take the walk down to the locker room. They look in to see two familiar faces. Midfielder Roger Taylor is seen doing stretches near his locker stall and seat. Next to him is Striker and co-leader of Inter Miami is Luis Suarez. Lionel couldn't be happier, he walks to both men, they look up and stand up to hug Lionel. They rush in and dwarf the 5"7 Argentinian with a bear hug. A thick accent comes from the Finnish Taylor "We missed having you on the field a lot, Luis is doing well as the solo striker but we just want to have you back." Lionel announces "You may get your wish in 2 to 3 weeks, just waiting for the x ray to clear me!" Luis, a Uruguayan of little words "I can't wait! But what is he doing here?" He looks at the front of the room at a guilty and remorseful looking Cristiano. 'Luis, please. he may be here to explain himself." The Finnish man grabbed his arm to gently take him a step back. "Look, I know what happened was terrible, and my sudden signing might make things incredibly awkward. But, I took care of Lionel after I hurt him. He never left my bed, I cooked for him every day, made sure he was physically comfortable. he missed 8 games, soon to be 9 and I'll carry that guilt for the rest of my life. But, I have to look at the glass as half full here. I found something, I found someone in this tragedy. Someone I can talk to, to hold, to tell my day to. I found love and so did he. This is the happiest we've been in possibly our lives. I love him dearly. So much it hurts. I'm deeply sorry to Lionel, and to you his friends." Cristiano chokes up and tears slowly fall from his face as he publicly professes his love for Lionel in front of his two new teammates. Lionel walks up with a tissue he grabbed from the Kleenex box and hugs him "I already accepted your apology, Mi Amor. I love you too, please don't beat yourself up over this." Lionel comforts his crying lover, wiping away his tears of pain and guilt. Roger walks up to pat the larger man's back and shoulders, eventually giving him an awkward side hug. Finns aren't good at comforting crying people, so he tried his best to offer that and exhausted his social battery. "Please, don't do it again. Welcome to the team, Cristiano." Luis says as he shakes the crying Portuguese man's shaky hand. "I'd rather thrown myself to traffic than hurt Mi Amor!" he says shakily through his tears. Luis softens up, and pulls the three men in for a hug. About a minute later, Lionel muffles "This is nice, but I don't think I can breathe." They all let go laughing and Cristiano's tears are gone, but his face is puffy and pink. This is the first time Cristiano has cried in 2 months, Lionel holds his hand and looks up to him "Our relationship has blossomed from this 'tragedy', and I couldn't have wanted anything any better." He pulls his taller boyfriend in for a kiss. "Alright, we're going to leave to give you two some privacy. Luis, let's go, now." Roger pulls his teammate away so they can stretch in the weight room. Lionel proceeds to kiss Cristiano for 15 minutes straight, 15 minutes felt like only 5. Lionel's phone buzzes and the ID is FC Dr. Ramirez. "X Ray developed, please come in." Lionel shows Cristiano the text and they walk back to the Doctor's office. They both quickly walk in. Dr. Ramirez sits at his desk in the large office with a backlit X ray comparing to the previous one. "Gentleman, I have fantastic news. I looked at both photographs of the first and second metatarsals. The healing has went better than anticipated with the compression we did when we first assessed and treated the fracture, lining all the bones up in place to straight and stable positions. The sleeve and intense bedrest also aided in the complete healing of the second metatarsal which was in 3 places. The small crack in the first one must have healed in the first 4 weeks of recovery. I'd say this healing process was a success! I am clearing you for rehab and team practice! Here is a slim protective sleeve you'll have to wear for a few months. It provides light stability and security. you don't need the boot anymore." Lionel and Cristiano are beyond thrilled and both hug the doctor. "Thank you so so much for helping us, Doctor!" "Remember, you still need to take it a little easy. Do not over exert yourself! Build back your endurance." The doctor warned. "I'll make sure he doesn't overdo it. Thank you, Dr. Ramirez." Cristiano shakes his hand as they both walk out. 

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