In Sickness

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"It's okay, Mi Amor! We're almost there, don't forget to breathe!" Lionel consoles his hurting boyfriend from the driver's seat as his Ketorolac is wearing off. Cristiano takes a few deep breaths, this manages to make the pain bearable for the last minute of the ride. "Ooh, Leo. This really sucks. This hurts so much." "I know, Mi Amor. You're doing so great! We're home already!" Lionel pulls up the driveway and quickly makes it to the front door. "Honey, we're home!" The younger Argentine laughs as he puts the Lexus in park and takes the keys out of the ignition. "i would've went faster, but I didn't want to rock you around back there. I wanted to have your ride be smooth like mine was." Lionel kisses Cristiano as he helps him out of the backseat. The boot is something Lionel and Cristiano now have a shared hatred of as Cristiano finally gets out of the car. Lionel puts one arm under Cristiano's firm and toned butt, and his other arm on his upper back. He surprises Cristiano by lifting him, and walking in the house. "How the hell are you doing this? I'm almost 190!" Lionel laughs "I've really always been like this, just didn't wanna show it. I was the shortest one in my family growing up and was picked on, barely big enough for my primary school's team when I was 5. They almost didn't let me play, so I worked for every ounce of strength I have to prove everyone wrong. I still have doubts, that I'll be strong enough for the world, or for myself." Lionel said as he walks into the elevator while effortlessly lifting his Portuguese lover, Cristiano looked at him with admiration, but also with a sadness. "Mi Amor, you are strong, capable, and beautiful. Let me share your pain as well as your happiness. I love you so much." He says while stroking Lionel's hair, revealing the younger man trying to hold the tears in his eyes. One falls down his cheek as he lets out a smile. He finally doesn't have to hide his insecurities. "I love you too, Cristiano. It felt painful, yet good to tell you that. I shouldn't hide everything. So much relief has surged through me." the elevator dings and the doors open. This scene plays over again in their heads, the walk to the elevator with one of them safely floating through the air. This time, it's as though the tables have turned. "Mi Amor, it's starting to hurt again. Oh, God this burns..." Cristiano squeezes onto Lionel's shoulder as they finally reach the bed. Lionel gently lays him down as he grabs the boot pillow to elevate the throbbing foot. "Oh, MI Amor, please don't leave my side. I need you like I need to breathe." Cristiano moans as he reaches for his Oxy bottle in his pocket. "It's okay, I am right here by your side. Breathe in and out slowly. Here." Lionel grabs a Fiji to give Cristiano his pill. Cristiano shotguns the pill and water. "Were you in this much pain?!" Lionel looks at his lover, he slowly nods to say yes. "Oh God, Mi Amor!" Cristiano starts to weep as Lionel takes him into his arms. "But with that pain, led me to the happiest I've ever been. You are, the love of my life, my Cristiano. In good times, and in bad. In sickness, and in health. You said to me to share my pain with you, please share your pain with me. Here, let me in." Lionel gets into bed with Cristiano and holds him as he lets out his pain. Gently stroking his head as he releases all his tears, landing on Lionel's shirt. He doesn't pay it any attention, all he wants is to be there for his hurt and crying boyfriend. A few minutes pass, as the tears start to slowly dry up, the pain is starting to vanish as the Oxy finally kicks in. Still kind of teary eyed, Cristiano looks up at Lionel, who he's using as a pillow to hold on to. His hazel eyes sparkle like gems in the ambient sunlight, directly making contact with Lionel's, who's quickly mesmerized. "Mi Amor, your eyes are so beautiful. they shine like precious pieces of Amber." "Your eyes are just as beautiful, a lovely shade of brown. They're perfect." Cristiano moves up closer to Lionel's face, the space between them gets smaller and smaller. Cristiano now sitting in Lionel's lap, turns around to face his younger boyfriend, and embraces him in a slow and passionate kiss. little moans escape in between their lips and tongues playing with each other, Lionel starts to explore Cristiano's very sensitive body, his fingertips gently going from his face, dragging across the neck, and traveling down to his chest. Cristiano feels his phallus start to pulse and becomes harder with every lick of the tongues and moans from both men. "Cris, Mi Amor. I'm going to treat my Prince right. I'll take such good care of you." Leo moans into his twitching boyfriend's mouth as they continue to french kiss. Lionel's hands travel down to his shorts, reaching in to lightly pet and stroke his penis. Cristiano reaches to hold onto the Argentinean's legs and spreads his good leg out to make room for Lionel's talented fingers. Lionel takes one hand out to open the drawer to find a condom. He finds and unwraps one to place onto Cristiano's hardened 9 inch penis, which is hard as a rock now and pulsing away. The Portuguese man's eyebrows twitch as the condom's unrolled, and Lionel begins stroking him. "Oh, yes, Mi Amor. I love that so much. Please stroke me Mi Hombre Atractivo." Cristiano moans away while laying back into Lionel's lap, whose penis twitches away every time Cristiano vocalizes his pleasure. Cristiano's grip on Lionel's legs tightened as he started to get close to climax. Lionel uses his lower legs to gently hold him still as the stroking of his hand gets faster while petting his whimpering and moaning boyfriend's head. "I don't think I can last much longer. You're going to make me come, Mi Amor!" Cris gasps out as his breathing hitches. "Cris, try to last a little while longer, I'm having so much fun making the moans spill out of you. I'm getting hard myself. I'm going to make you scream my name soon enough." Leo says through moans of his own as his erection is poking Cristiano's back. He starts to move his back in a way that strokes Lionel's throbbing phallus which makes him moan out loud. Leo was hard enough, this makes them take off their shirts. Their toned and tanned flesh glisten in the daylight, tiny beads of sweat dotted around both men's bodies. Lionel wrestles his pants and underwear off to grind his bare body against Cristiano. Then Cristiano takes his good foot and whips it out of his pants and boxers, which leaves him totally exposed. "Cris, would it be okay if you took me inside and you just sat on him? I want us to both come together." Lionel asks in between gasps and moans of his. Cristiano gets up slightly and coats his entrance liberally with saliva, preparing himself. He lines up Lionel's penis and slowly eases down and takes off of him inside, with both Lionel and Cristiano crying out in pleasure. Cristiano gently moves his body into Lionel's to thrust him in deeper, earning moans from the Argentinean. Cristiano's prostate is being gently brushed by Lionel which makes him close to coming. "I hope you're close, Mi Amor. I don't think I can hold it!" Cris moans desperately. "Cris, I'm going to come, let's do it together! Hold my hand and squeeze!" Leo shouts. "Oh, God Lionel! I'm going to come!" Cris shouts immediately after, "Release it all for me, Meu Belo Príncipe! Eu Te Amo! Lionel coos Portuguese into his larger boyfriend's ear. "OH GOD, I'M GOING TO COME, LIONEL MESSI TE AMO MUCHO, TE AMO MUCHO MI AMOR!" Cristiano climaxes into the condom violently and thrusts his penis in and out of Lionel's hand. With every thrust, more hot white liquid is pumped into it with his cries of pleasure filling the room. "OH, CRISTIANO RONALDO! I'M COMING, I'M COMING, I'M COMING. MEU DEUS, MEU DEUS, EU TE AMO!" Lionel roars as he bucks hard into Cristiano, the inside becoming hot as it's being filled with every drop of Lionel's love. Both shaking and exhausted after 2 minutes of what seemed like the mother of all climaxes that's been built up for quite some time. Both try to catch their breath, Cristiano gently gets up using his good leg and pulls Lionel out of his entrance. "You did so good for me, I love you so much." Lionel paises his tired boyfriend as he shakily goes in for a kiss. "Thank you, Mi Amor, you make me feel so good. I love you too." They both pant in between their slow and tender kisses as they both drift off to sleep in each other's arms.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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