Kabsa and Chill

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Leo sleeps very soundly after making love to Cris and spilling his feelings, a slight smile on his face as he turns to his side. The blanket is incredibly warm all the sudden as he gains consciousness. He slowly awakens to a new blanket, it's a plug in heated blanket with a note on top "Leo, I'm making you what I promised, please stay put, I put one oxycodone tablet next to you on the bedside table with a full bottle of Fiji. You'll love this meal. Many hugs - Cris." "This man, I swear. He's gonna make me never want to leave!" he laughs. The laughter turns to discomfort as he adjusts his posture. He isn't used to his boot, so it dragged on the pillow. Leo takes half of the oxy tablet and waits for a little bit of the pain to go away. Nowhere near as painful as late this morning, but not pleasant. Scrolling through his phone, he reads an article about himself, and the headline reads, "MESSI INJURY LEAVES MIAMI VULNERABLE, SAUDI TEAM TO BLAME?" Immediate groans of irritation escape him, muttering profanities under his breath. The elevator bell dings, Cris has arrived with something that smells incredible, he can smell it through the door. "I hope he enjoys this, it's not like anything he's used to in Argentina or Florida." Cris, worrying about the satisfaction of his new, younger lover. "This is your home, why are you knocking?" Leo jokes which makes both men laugh. He opens the door to Leo, sitting up and smiling. "This is so warm and comfortable! The food smells absolutely amazing! I can't wait to try some!" Beams the happier and medicated Leo. "This meal I prepared you is the most popular, and the national dish of Saudi Arabia. Kabsa is a mixed brown rice dish made with red meat and vegetables, however I didn't know if you're a fan of lamb, so I left it to the side." Leo scoots up against the bed frame, excited to try the home-cooked meal. It's on a bamboo meal tray with a black cloth napkin and cutlery. The lamb is on its own plate. Cris gently lays it over Leo's lap. The excited man grabs the fork, gets a good amount, and takes a bite. The overwhelmingly good flavors of smoked meat and vegetables make him moan in pleasure and satisfaction as he takes several more bites of the dish. "I guess you really love Kabsa, Leo!" Cris laughs, the younger man notices he's acting piggish and tries to eat more gentlemanly. "Save a little bit of room for the Shawarma that's almost done cooking, don't eat yourself sick!" Leo's eyes widen as over half the dish is gone already. Cris rushes out to take the Shawarma out of the oven and to thinly cut it. This takes 2-3 minutes, Cris has mastered Shawarma cooking and cutting after living in Saudi Arabia for a time. The slices are so thin, they melt away in your mouth. He wraps it up and brings it back up in the elevator. Leo hears him coming and moves his empty bowl to eat the Shawarma. Cris walks back to the bed and is in absolute shock "You ate all the Kabsa?! I hope you don't puke. You may not have room for this then." Leo protests and begs for the Shawarma."Cris, please let me have some Shawarma. I can eat it, I won't get sick! I eat way more than this at home!" "You eat more than this at home?! HOW?!" Cris blurts out. Leo laughs at Cris and his outburst. "Quite easily! My daily breakfast is 9 eggs, 2 grilled chicken breasts, and seasoned rice! Here, I'm still hungry, so I'm going go ahead and have this." Leo proceeds to inhale slice after slice of Shawarma, finally done eating in 10 minutes and is finally full. Sipping a bit of water at the end to hydrate. Cris says, "Leo, did you just make me love you more? That was incredible! I haven't cooked for anyone before! You really loved it!" Him gushing over Leo was as adorable and sweet as it can get and Leo has turned red and smiles. "You never cooked for anyone before? You seriously haven't?! It tastes absolutely delicious! Thank you, Cris!" Leo sits up to hug Cris, they look into each other's eyes and lean into each other for a kiss. Tiny pecks with a little tongue in between. Cris moans, and a whimper slips from his quivering lips. His member is starting to harden, and his boxers tighten. His face and eyebrows twitch. "Could, could it be my turn to please you???" Leo asks."I've been waiting for you for so long, I would love it so much." Leo adjusts so his mouth lines up with Cris's throbbing member. The bed is lowered, so it's going to be easy to please the older man. Cris undresses, six pack abs fully exposed, and his shorts are coming off, revealing tight boxers with a larger member twitching away at the thought of Leo's sweet mouth. Leo slowly takes off Cris's underwear, exposing his large and throbbing phallus. Leo is unsure of what to do at first. Eventually, he grabs ahold of the shaft and slowly kisses the tip of it. Cris lets out a moan as Leo's lips make contact with his sensitive skin. Then Leo eventually takes the tip into his mouth, and slowly flicks away like he has the most delicious lollipop on earth. Cris reaches for the back of Leo's head to gently stroke his hair, lightly pushes his head in a gentle motion. More moans escape Cris. Leo eventually gets more of him inside his mouth, almost down to his throat. Looking up at a beautiful Cris, the moans and hitched breathing makes his member twitch and pulse. Moaning into his throbbing election, both get faster and slightly harder with the thrusting, Leo grabbing Cris's firm butt to send him out and pull him back in. "Oh God, Leo! You are so good at this, I don't know how long I can go! This feels so good!" Cris moaned. Leo slowly pulls his large and throbbing phallus out of his mouth. "I want you inside of me, I really do, but I kind of want you inside of me somewhere else. Cris, please penetrate me" Leo again pleaded, begging for his penis to enter him. Cris was always wanting to make love to Leo, he's a little scared now because he doesn't want to hurt him. Cris grabs some warming massage lotion from the bedside table drawer. He lays Leo on his back and removes both his shorts and boxers off one leg, the boot is hanging onto the clothes. Cris puts pillows all around Leo to support his neck and legs, making sure the smaller man is comfortable. Leo takes off his shirt, exposing his very sensitive chest to Cris's hands, which explore all around Leo's body, going lower and lower. Cris gently spreads Leo's legs wide. Where he finds Leo's tight entrance. He puts a generous amount of lotion on his finger and coats him generously. The lotion heats up, which feels good, relaxes Leo and will relieve any soreness. "Leo, I know we haven't done this before together. We should take our time to explore  each other's bodies delicately. If I do anything and it hurts and you don't want it, please tell me no so I can stop." Leo nods and prepares himself. His legs and butt are supported by pillows. Cris slowly drags his fingertips along Leo's entrance to tease it. He moans in pleasure. Eventually, Cris slowly inserts his pointer finger into his hole. "Oh, Cris!" The younger man is already moaning Cris's name. The older man carefully inserts another finger to stretch out his hole. Little moans escaping both of them as both their penises are hardened. Cris eventually removes his fingers and lubes up his hard and throbbing member. He glides the head over the skin of the entrance to tease Leo. "Please penetrate me, I want you inside of me so bad. Cris, please make love to me!" Leo's begging is enough for Cris to insert the tip of his penis, Leo gasps, and whimpers out in mixed pain and pleasure. After a minute of Cris remaining still, he slowly inserts little by little. Thrusting gently into the younger Futbol player, he spreads his legs a little more to make sure he doesn't bump his boot. "C-can you go a bit f-faster, please, Cris? Leo huffs and moans underneath the larger Portuguese player. Cris goes a little faster which makes Leo get even louder. "Harder, please!!! I want to see stars!" He goes harder, which causes Leo to scream out."YES, Oh God, yes! I love this so much, thank you! I love you Cris!" "Oh Leo, I love you too! I'm getting so close to popping inside you!" Continuing to pound into the smaller man, Cris is really close to orgasming. Leo pulls him in for a kiss, hot and steaming tongues and intensely moaning in each other's mouths. "Leo, I'm about to climax!" Cris shouts. "I want to feel everything, every pump of ejaculate. Please don't hold back! I'll climax with you!" Hearing those words, Cris lets out a roar. He starts to climax, but he jacks Leo's penis back and forth so he can climax quickly. Cris and Leo both fully ejaculate and scream. Leo finishes on his stomach while Cris finishes deeply inside of his smaller lover. Both are gasping, and Cris grabs the cloth napkin from earlier to clean up Leo's toned stomach. "Thank you, Cris" "No, thank you, Leo" the both whisper to each other in between kisses. Cris gently pulls out of Leo, causing moans to come out of him. He flops next to his lover, grabbing the napkin to clean his still slightly hard erection. He lays down, facing Leo. He turns him around to cuddle. Little kisses all over each other's faces while wrapped in each other's arms. Cris strokes and pets Leo's hair. Leo does the same thing. They bring each other in closer. They both start to drift off to sleep at almost midnight. Leo covers both of them with the plug in blanket, set to a low heat. This makes both of them eventually fall asleep.

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