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The one hour ride to Cris's home is finally done, the driveway itself is almost 1/4 of a kilometer long. It would usually take Cris half an hour, however he didn't want to go full speed over bumps and rock around Leo. The younger man looks out the window to an Arab style mansion with a golden fence. "The sight of the house is breathtaking and beautiful, just like Cris!" Thought Leo. The front of the house has planted palms, large succulents, and jumping cactus. "Be careful of the jumping cactus. If you even brush up against it, it'll land on you. They're also difficult to get out of your skin as their spikes are barbed. They hurt." Leo was shocked at his knowledge of desert plants, but every word was very interesting and could hear him all day. The Lexus slowly comes to a stop. Cris stops the truck and puts it in park. "Don't try to get out yourself, I'll do it for you." Leo stays put, Cris opens his door, grabs one of his hands, and lifts up his upper half. He puts his hand under his upper right leg, slowly moving to his upper left. Cris has incredible upper body strength. The big Portugese man never let him touch the ground for a single second. The smaller Argentinean felt as though he was floating through the air. Trying not to smile intensely, he let a small smile escape him. The living room is incredibly beautiful with a red floral print carpet with gold trimming, possibly a gift from the Saudi Royal Family. The furniture is red and gold, paintings all over the walls, one of them being a watercolor Portugese flag flying across a beautiful mountaintop. There is a elevator in his home, he hits the button with his knee. The door opens, the elevator has carpeting, gold buttons and a LCD floor indicator. Basement, main floor, gymnasium floor, and top floor. He is very careful about making sure he doesn't bump his boot to get him inside the elevator. "He's lighter than he looks, good thing he is. I kinda enjoy that I can lift him. He's cute." "Did I just think that? I mean, he is cute. His kind and forgiving  heart, the attractive fade cut, and neatly kept beard with his smile. He really lights up a room." He doesn't want to come on too strong, so he'll slowly open up to him as he heals his hurt puppy. The elevator comes to a stop. They've made it to the bedroom. The hallway has golden vases full of lavender on tables to promote good sleep. Lavender is one of Leo's favorite flowers, the aroma is intoxicating. Which soothes the smaller athlete. The bedroom door automatically opens after Cris activates the voice code. The bedroom is bigger than the locker room. Walk in closet, jetted jacuzzi, 90 inch plasma flat screen, and a huge and plush California King bed. The sheets are black and red, silk waterproof bedsheet with a down feather stuffed blanket. Memory foam pillows with a matching mattress top. Cris lays Leo down gently, fixing his pillows to make him feel comfortable. Cris reaches under his bed to grab the pillow he used for his broken foot a couple of years ago. He always kept it, in case it happens again. He slowly lifts Leo's lower leg and fixes the pillow to accommodate his boot. This is the most at ease and comforted Leo has been in a while. "Thank you, Cris. I really need the extra company and help. I hope I don't burden yo-" Cris shushes Leo, "You being hurt isn't going to be a burden, I need the company and someone other than me here anyway." He chuckled, causes Leo to exhale in relief. "You're a very forgiving person, Leo. Anyone else would've told me rightfully to go to hell. You really admire me that much, don't you?" Leo blushes."It was an accident. The replay footage shows you clearly trying to stop. I'll be honest, I do admire you. I've admired you for years. It's a little more than that. I-" Leo stammers, trying to get the words out. "Cris, I- Cris sits next to him and gently lifts Leo's nervous head and slowly leans in. This moment, they've secretly waited years for. Everything leading up to this very moment in time, they slowly embrace each other, and then they kiss. Leo places his hand on the back of the older man, little moans escaping both of their lips as they continue to be intimate. Cris let's out a low, yet sexy moan as he plays with Leo's hair, both giggling in between moans and the sounds of both their tongues playing with each other. Their underwear starts to tighten as they french on a large silk bed. Leo let's out little moans and whimpers as Cris reaches into his shirt, playing with his sensitive chest. His nipples are gently rolled around in the big man's fingers, making Leo gasp and whimper more. Cris smiles and takes both their shirts off, showing their six packs. Cris moves his tongue down to Leo's neck, which makes his member twitch and pulse. "Oh God, Cris. I had no idea you felt like this, I feel the same way! Oh I love that so much, please don't stop!" The petite man cried out and begged. Cris enjoyed the whimpers and moans spilling out of Leo like a fire hose. Cris moves down to his chest, taking a nipple into his skilled mouth and slowly flicks it around while carefully mounting him. Cries coming from underneath him make him stop "Are you okay, Leo?" The worried Cris asks "I've never felt better, please don't stop. I beg you, please lick my nipples and explore my body, please!!!" Leo's cries are answered, with Cris slightly sucking on his nipple, which makes Leo nearly scream. "I need to make you scream, your voice will be gone by the end." Cris moaned into his ear. The shorts come off slowly, as do eventually the injured athlete's underwear, exposing a twitching and throbbing phallus. Cris drags his fingertips down from the man's pinkened and erect nipples, down his stomach, to the public bone. Gently grabs ahold of the member and kisses the head. Making Leo's whole body twitch and he whimpers loudly. "You'll be screaming now, is it okay if I were to orally please you? Leo cries and pleads for his mouth. "Please, Cris, I need you! I need you like I need air, please go down on me, please!!!" Cris lightly handles the shaft and smiles."Thank you for begging, Leo. now you're going to shout my name into the heavens. You've been a good boy for me" Cris takes the tip into his hot and wet mouth, slowly bobbing his head and licking the sensitive foreskin. Leo cries out in ecstacy with every lick from Cris. Leo eventually lets it out and screams about as loud as his lungs will let him. "Cris, you're amazing, I love every minute of this, THANK YOU SO MUCH, I'M SO CLOSE!" Screams the younger man. Cris stops for a moment and says, "No, Leo, thank you. I'm going to get you to climax. Cris speeds up and Leo is about to, Leo cries and screams "I'M ALMOST THERE, I'M ABOUT TO!" Cris tightens his grip around the shaft, and then uses some spit to lube up his finger he stops again "Will you be okay with me using a finger in you?" Leo begs and moans for the finger to enter him. Cris takes leftover saliva, coats his finger. Circling the entrance before very slowly penetrating Leo. Curling his finger to tickle his prostate. Leo screams "I'M GONNA CLIMAX, IT'S HAPPENING. OH GOD, CRIS!!!" Leo climaxes and screams, whole body twitches and Cris uses his hand holding his shaft to milk out anything left in his other two friends, swallowing every drop. Cries of pleasure are heard, tears streaming down Leo's face. Cris hears sniffles coming from Leo, and cleans him up with his tongue before going to comfort him. "What's wrong?" Cris looks incredibly worried and asks in a delicate tone. Leo sits up to hug Cris, "I've been waiting to be loved and cared for, so long I've waited. I'm so happy it was you!" He said through his tears. Cris takes Leo's head and slowly strokes through his hair while soothingly shushes away his sobs. Cris holds his new lover. "You are an amazing man, Leo. So young, but the greatest futbol player I've faced. You have an incredible heart, forgiving and so sweet. You powered through that game with a broken foot. You're strong and beautiful. Don't let anyone tell you different." Leo looks up, looking for a kiss. "Uh, I still have a bit of you in my mouth, are you sure you want to taste?" Leo doesn't care, he kisses Cris passionately. "I think, I think I" Cris blushes, pulling away a bit. "You what?" Leo asks. "I think I love you, Leo" "I love you too, Cris" he says in between kisses. Cris has tears of joy fall from his own eyes as they hold and kiss eachother.

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