Pain and Comfort

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The sobs and pained cries coming out of Leo as he was getting his foot's bone set caught the attention of his team, Luis and Roger were beside themselves. The Saudi team were walking past the exam room, hearing the young Argentinean's agony. "Damn, Cris must have messed him up. That sounds really bad. The pain probably didn't hit him until he got back here..." murmurs across the entire team. Cris was the last one to walk past, he's stopped in his tracks. "Please, I can't take this, it hurts so bad!" Leo's desperate cries for relief as pressure is applied to his freshly broken foot. Cris instead of feeling pride in his team's effort, feels immediate guilt. He feels there is no way to make this right with Leo, but he's going to try. "I could offer to look after him while he heals, but he may not want anything to do with me. I have to ask. The worst thing he can say is no." Cris knocks on the exam room door, Dr. Ramirez answers. "Ahh, Cris! Now isn't a great time, I'm dealing with an injured player and need to compress their foot." A worried Cris says."I know exactly what's going on, and I'm here to apologize to Leo. I ran into him, and he's in here because of me. I need to see him now. I'm scared he may be seriously hurt, and I'll feel that immense guilt for the rest of my life." A sobbing Leo wipes away his tears."Cris, please come here! I know it was an accident, I accept your apology. Please don't leave me, I need you!" The sobs turn to muffled screams as he bites down on his sleeve. Cris is slightly relieved, but is deeply remorseful. He offers his hand to Leo and grabs a tissue for his tears. "Okay, Leo. Half the job is done. Now, we need to put a compression sleeve on to keep the bones in place, I want you to avoid surgery, which will make recovery time at least 6 months. I looked at your X Ray again. You have a small crack in your first metatarsal, and your second is broken in two places. The compression sleeve isn't optional. I will warn you, this is gonna hurt. A lot." Cris and Leo looked at each other. Leo is panicked, Cris is distraught. This is the first layer of the cast they need to put on.  Cris remembers his right foot needing one a few years ago. He offers his hand and puts the other arm behind his upper back. Braces him for the second wave of pain. "Dr, please be swift. He's in enough pain, this is my fault..." Cris chokes up and a tear of his own falls. Leo looks up, offering a hug to the older veteran. "This isn't your fault, Cris. I'll never be mad at who I've admired and looked up to the most. Let's get this done, Dr. Ramirez, I'm ready. I can take it." The doctor unwraps the compression sleeve. "Leo, you admire me?" "Of course I do, Cris. I have never stopped. I aim to be great like you each and every day." Dr Ramirez announces "Okay, I'm going to count you down, the compression sleeve is going on in 3, 2, 1." Gasps and cries overtake the room, possibly for both teams to hear down the halls. Leo grabs ahold of Cris and cries in his arms. Cris tears up at the sweet and agonized Miami player's cries. "Cris, I'm so sorry. I want you to live with me, so I can take care of you until you're better. You shouldn't be alone in your house." Leo whimpers through his tears "I'd, I'd love to. I've been so alone, that house is so big, too big." Cris smiles a little, he helps the younger hurt athlete sit up after some of his pain subsides. Dr. Ramirez unpacks a roll of soft cushioned gauze. Cris gets up to support his leg, holding his leg behind the knee. Holding his hand with the other, preparing for more pain. Leo smiles a bit at how tender he is, gushing a little on the inside. "I think, I think I'm getting feelings for him. He cried and offered to take care of me, he's a sweetheart." Leo's tears slowly dry. "Okay, Leo! The worst part of this is over. I'm sure we're all relieved, right? I'm going to lightly apply the puffy gauze, to offer cushioning and support while you wear a medical boot. The boot stays on for 6 to 8 weeks." Leo starts to cry, making Cris tear up again. Not out of pain, but he'll miss out for a majority of the season. He'll be lucky if he's able to come back for the later half. "I'll take care of you, you'll be pampered like a Saudi prince. Let me make it up to you tonight, I can cook dinner for you to start." Leo's face looks up at Cris "I'll be pampered like a Saudi prince? You're planning on cooking for me?" Cris nods, and wipes the tears away from the young man's eyes. Leo starts to smile as the puffy gauze is being lightly wrapped around his foot. Not nearly as painful as the compression sleeve. The boot is the last to be put on. After, he's prescribed pain relief, and receives crutches. Cris holds the door for Leo as they both thank Dr. Ramirez and leave. Both teams are beyond relieved to see Leo come out. Cris grabs both of their bags as he escorts Leo to his all black Lexus GX 470.  Leo's eyes are puffy from crying, and his body is physically exhausted from the pain and tears. Cris gently lifts him bridal style the last couple steps to the truck, leaving players confused. Placed in the seat delicately and fastens him in. Cris gets in, starts the car, and slowly drives to not rock around Leo.

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