chapter 1

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??: please don't don'ts kill my mom and dad please leave them please no dont

A 10  years kid siad while crying to looking at his parents who are crying to looking at thier kids who helpless

Mr min: go son run from here save your self and your brother

Mrs min: remember you are my strong yoon na you are strong eoma appa loves you so much yoon

Some of soldier Angel shot mr and mrs min as a little boy shout

??: eomma appa

He get up From his sleep after having a horrific dream again as he look at here and there not to find anyone just a empty room he look at time as it's midnight he stand up as he comes downstairs from his room and walked outside of the castle

Otherside somewhere in Haven

A cute puffy angel sitting in his bed while reading stories as he love to eat but after many time he was feeling hungry so he went to kitchen as he look at here and there not to find anyone so he open the fridge slightly but closed his eyes as he feel someone's hand in his shoulder though he get caught

??: satelling food in night hyung

??: you scared me idiot he siad while turning towards the person

??: jimin hyung thanks to god it's me not mom or dad otherwise you know what happened

Jimin: yeah yeah i know i was just hungry so finding fruite you coconut head jungkook

Jk: ok ok do want's to eat some pasta 🍝 I'll make and we will shere fifty fifty

Jimin: not bad idea but make it fast if mom and dad saw us we are dead

Jk started making pasta as jimin sit in counter while eating apple when he hear jk words

Jk: Hyung I'll pity for your husband in future that he have to make hes food because you don't know he siad in teasing tone

Jimin: yeah how dare you to say that he said while making angry pout on which jk chuckle you know what jk you should stop being Playboy and find your true love

Jk: how many time I'll tell that love shit is only look good in books not in real

Jimin: yeah jeon jungkook it's not like that

Jk: i don't want to know what's it's like that pasta is ready here is your plate and i am taking mine in room now go in room before someone's saw him

Jk went from there as jimin also take his plate and went from there while shaking his head in disbelief on jungkook

Other in devils territory

He is walking in street when he hear sobs he look at here and there but didn't saw anyone he followed the voice as he saw in corner of rode near a trush been someone hiding

??: come out who are you

That person get scared by deep scary voice but didn't get a courage to comeout

??: don't you hear i siad come out he siad in clam voice which is most scaryest thing someone can hear

A teengae boy come behind the trush been while holding a cute little 1 year old baby

He look at the boy and baby as he's eyes soften as he ask to the boy who is in whole mess in cry

??: who are you what are you doing here

??: i-i m-my n-name is jungsuk and s-she is my sister who a-are y-you p-please don't h-hurt me and my sister

That little boy siad while shaking in fear and shuttering

??: i am yoongi min yoongi

The boy look at imdetley to his face as he hug his leg while crying Hard which make yoongi to take step back as he set on taht boy's level

Yoongi: stop don't cry come with me he whipped his tears as he took him to castle in his room

Yoongi made that boy to sit on bed who is keep looking down yoongi call a maid and told her to make something for eat for the Little boy as he again sit infront of boy and ask

Yoongi: now tell me what are you doing here who are you and where is your parents

Jungsuk: my mom dad has been killed by some heaven Angel i was running from them to saveing my and my little sister life

In between all this a old grandpa told me that i should go to dark territory and ask for help to king yoongi that's why i come here somehow from hidding from your soliders king he siad as tears are countless felling from his eyes as he again siad with his Trimble voice king please save us please let me stay here and my sister they will kill us if they found us please i don't have any place to go please

Yoongi stand up as he walked towards window and closed his eyes while let's felling from his eyes which he is holding while rembering his past as he wiped it harshly and again walk towards kid

Yoongi: don't worry nothing will happen you will stay here in castle and do your studies and become something and make your parents proud the lil kid hug yoongi as yoongi also hug him when a lil girl' started cry

Yoongi: i though she is hungry

Maid: your majesty here is food and milk

Yoongi: hm give him and feel this lil girl by yourself carefully

He siad as he left from there

Miad: lil one eat your food give this cutie to me what's her name

Jungsuk: hyuna

Maid: ohh that's cute

Jungsuk: king yoongi is so nice and big heart' person

Maid: she smile as siad yes he is gods know how Many people living happy life just because of him

To be countine............

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