chapter 15

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Jimin was passing from hallway as he heard something a voice which he followed

He saw a dark room door is open a little as he entered inside he saw a figure standing on windows having cigarette in his hand and blood is dripping from his onther hand jimin saw a some body parts on floor as it's terrified him he was shaking in fear but he don't know someone close the door behind him already he was keep looking at the massing thing's when he hear a voice

??: what do you think where you are a voice is very deep clam scery

Jimin trun to see the person as he's heart stop right there the person standing infront of him is none other than his husband MIN YOONGI

Blood is all over in his face and clothes a devil's smrike plastered on his face and his dark red eyes giving Shiver in the Spain

Jimin' look at yoongi as he run towards door and about to open but it's locked he feels the hand on his shoulder as he was shivering in fear

Jimin: let me go

Yoongi: why are you sacerd of all this my hubby you shouldn't come here he trun jimin' towards him as pull him closer and take him towards the body parts

Jimin is crying and trying hard to go out of his grip but yoongi is way stronger than jimin

Yoongi: you know who is he he betrayed me so I send him in hell see it's his hand it's his eye balls and it's his legs yoongi was telling him and showing him like it's kind of fun for him

Jimin is feeling dizzy and disgusting from all this he just wanted to run from here

Yoongi: i hate lie and betrayed he siad as rubbed his thumb on jimins lips while looking into his soul

It's getting hard for jimin to breathe as his vision is getting blur as he lost his consciousness

Other side in heaven

??: i don't know why I am feeling wrong will doing it my heart don't want to hurt you but why I am feeling like this n

A boy talking to himself as he lost in his own thoughts

Other side with jin and namjoon

Jin come to see namjoon as he was just staring him from far he really love him but in the end he knows namjoon will not going to love him
Jin slowly walked towards namjoon as namjoon is doing his work but when he saw jin he stopped

Namjoon: what are you doing here

Jin: how many times u will ask me and how many times i answered

Namjoon: you really love me

Jin: yes joonie i do

Namjoon: i love you too

Jin widened his eys as he is not believing in his ears he was so shock to understand

Namjoon: yeah if you give me this reaction I'll take my words back

Jin: huh no no i am just so shocked

Namjoon stand up as he hold jin hand and kiss it i really want to tell you this from a long time

Jin hug him as a unexplained smile aaperd on his face as they broke the hug

Jin: can we shere our first kiss please he asked being shy

Namjoon; not here let's go inside he j
Take him inside

As they didn't kiss only but they just crossed the boundaries between each other as thier soul becomes one

With yoonmin

Jimin wake up as he look at here and there while sweating

Yoongi: don't you dare to enter any room like this again yoongi siad while coming towards him he put the try of food

Jimin: my head is hurting

Yoongi: eat this food and then eat medicine he said as he left from there

To be countine............

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